Will Flat Ironing hair w/SSKs lead to breakage?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

So I've been fully natural for 4 months, but I'm 22 months post relaxer. The last time I straighted was Dec of last year during my transition. I haven't used any direct heat since. I've been loving my natural hair and trying different styles, and now want to do a rollerset and flat iron. I don't use direct heat often at all.

I've been doing WNG's usually on the weekend, and protective style during the week. I've noticed I have a few SSKs mainly on my ends, but not that many. The WNG's may contribute to the SSKs but since I use ecostyler gel, it keeps it stretched pretty good.

So if I flat iron will my hair with those SSKs will it lead to breakage where the knots are? I've got a good regimen that works for my hair and always prep it before I use direct heat. TIA!

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Yes! In my experience with SSKs once they are formed they're usually there till they are clipped or snagged off, which always takes a portion of unknotted hair as well. Did you detangle as much as possible?
Yes! In my experience with SSKs once they are formed they're usually there till they are clipped or snagged off, which always takes a portion of unknotted hair as well. Did you detangle as much as possible?

Thanks for the info. I'm in a sew in right now, but yes I always detangle my hair very good when not in a sew in. I'm really thinking it's the WNG's because I usually always wear my hair in a bun. But it's not major SSKs but I do feel some. So should I do search in destroy before flat ironing?
Some people have used heat to rid themselves of knots with no breakage. There is a thread called Heat Training. The one who started the thread uses this method to reduce knots and tangles and her hair is gorgeous. It depends on the method you use and if your hair responds well to it.
Some people have used heat to rid themselves of knots with no breakage. There is a thread called Heat Training. The one who started the thread uses this method to reduce knots and tangles and her hair is gorgeous. It depends on the method you use and if your hair responds well to it.

Thanks DD! Yes, I've read many posts in the thread and I know there are ladies with beautiful, healthy heat-trained hair. I however, won't be doing any heat-training as I don't want to alter my natural texture. Just wondering for ladies like me that don't opt to heat-train, use heat to straighten w/o breakage, when there are already some SSKs.
I think it, like everything else in the world, will depend on the person. I know it can get aggravating hearing that because we all instinctively know that when we ask the question, so I hope it doesn't sound rude :look:. Personally, I flat iron very infrequently, 2-4 times a year, and I always iron over SSKs because I don't do S&Ds and I only trim once a year. I have not had a problem with doing so causing breakage yet. I make sure to do a heavy moisture DC and I only air dry or rollerset the hair prior to flatironing. I just don't like the way a blowdryer feels. I tend to do one and a half passes, one through the entire length and a second one just on the ends. The second pass is because the SSKs tend to make the end of my hair feel rough, and the second pass eliminates that feeling.

For what it's worth, I have medium density 4a strands, and a patch of fine 3c in the back. I've been fully natural 3 years (anniversary was 4/17/11 :grin:), my hair is grazing apl now. I know I'm a rambler, so hopefully this helps some! Good luck!
Thanks DD! Yes, I've read many posts in the thread and I know there are ladies with beautiful, healthy heat-trained hair. I however, won't be doing any heat-training as I don't want to alter my natural texture. Just wondering for ladies like me that don't opt to heat-train, use heat to straighten w/o breakage, when there are already some SSKs.

There is also a technique called banding to stretch your hair without heat and roller setting. I cant wait to try these methods when my hair gets longer. I'm really excited! I've never had natural hair for longer than 6 months and now I'm 10 months without a relaxer! I'm back to the length that I was before my second BC in January! I'm psyched to grow my natural hair out to bun length and beyond.:yep:
I think it, like everything else in the world, will depend on the person. I know it can get aggravating hearing that because we all instinctively know that when we ask the question, so I hope it doesn't sound rude :look:. Personally, I flat iron very infrequently, 2-4 times a year, and I always iron over SSKs because I don't do S&Ds and I only trim once a year. I have not had a problem with doing so causing breakage yet. I make sure to do a heavy moisture DC and I only air dry or rollerset the hair prior to flatironing. I just don't like the way a blowdryer feels. I tend to do one and a half passes, one through the entire length and a second one just on the ends. The second pass is because the SSKs tend to make the end of my hair feel rough, and the second pass eliminates that feeling.

For what it's worth, I have medium density 4a strands, and a patch of fine 3c in the back. I've been fully natural 3 years (anniversary was 4/17/11 :grin:), my hair is grazing apl now. I know I'm a rambler, so hopefully this helps some! Good luck!

Thanks Ronnieaj for the info and congrats on your 3 year anniversary! Yeah as I was transitioning I didn't have any issues with knots so the only thing I worried about was the possibility of heat damage (which thanksfully I don't have). I just started wondering about flat ironing over knots being damaging since I plan on straightening this next weekend for Mother's Day. I agree every head is different but hopefully I will have successful results like you have. :)

There is also a technique called banding to stretch your hair without heat and roller setting. I cant wait to try these methods when my hair gets longer. I'm really excited! I've never had natural hair for longer than 6 months and now I'm 10 months without a relaxer! I'm back to the length that I was before my second BC in January! I'm psyched to grow my natural hair out to bun length and beyond.:yep:

That's great DD, you've made it 10 months!! Keep it up. I've heard of banding and seen youtube vids of it. I'll have to give that a try. :)
Wash n Go's don't necessarily cause ssk's.... If you are prone to ssk's you will get them whether your hair is flat pressed or wash n go. You must keep those knot forming coils clipped out regularly if you want your hair to grow to very long lengths. If you wash n go, you must alternate. By this I mean wash n go for two or three weeks and then straighten it. When it is straight you must do S&D(very thoroughly) to clip out the knot forming coils. Then you can go back to wash n go. I know this very well because this is what I have to do. If I don't I have breakage and wouldn't be able to reach the long length goals that I have.
Wash n Go's don't necessarily cause ssk's.... If you are prone to ssk's you will get them whether your hair is flat pressed or wash n go. You must keep those knot forming coils clipped out regularly if you want your hair to grow to very long lengths. If you wash n go, you must alternate. By this I mean wash n go for two or three weeks and then straighten it. When it is straight you must do S&D(very thoroughly) to clip out the knot forming coils. Then you can go back to wash n go. I know this very well because this is what I have to do. If I don't I have breakage and wouldn't be able to reach the long length goals that I have.

Thanks Candy! Very smart method you do. It's interesting that some may be more prone to knots regardless of the hairstyle. I never looked at it this way because although being fully natural 4 months, I only started noticing knots when I started doing WNG's. Thankfully it hasn't hindered my retention and I don't have that many. I'm around BSB. I agree with clipping the knots, but have a question... You suggested clipping the knots after I straighten not before? If so, what's the reasoning for doing it in this order?
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Thanks Candy! Very smart method you do. It's interesting that some may be more prone to knots regardless of the hairstyle. I never looked at it this way because although being fully natural 4 months, I only started noticing knots when I started doing WNG's. Thankfully it hasn't hindered my retention and I don't have that many. I'm around BSB. I agree with clipping the knots, but have a question... You suggested clipping the knots after I straighten not before? If so, what's the reasoning for doing it in this order?

The reason: Because when my hair is curly, I can't tell what is bad and what is good hair. When it is straight, I can see the bad coils, splits, or bent hairs. By keeping all of this clipped out, I don't actually get the knot. Most of the time if I get a Knot it breaks off a longer strand of hair and is very obvious in my hand. With hair as long as mine is now, it is better to do the prevention method I described. Because if I don't, I'd see a Classic Length healthy hair strand broken off by a short ssk hair strand. Now that would freak me out. So I stay vigilant on ssk prevention.
The reason: Because when my hair is curly, I can't tell what is bad and what is good hair. When it is straight, I can see the bad coils, splits, or bent hairs. By keeping all of this clipped out, I don't actually get the knot. Most of the time if I get a Knot it breaks off a longer strand of hair and is very obvious in my hand. With hair as long as mine is now, it is better to do the prevention method I described. Because if I don't, I'd see a Classic Length healthy hair strand broken off by a short ssk hair strand. Now that would freak me out. So I stay vigilant on ssk prevention.

Great explanation! Makes total sense. Although I've been on my HHJ close to 2 years and went from SL to MBL while transitioning, I feel like I'm in my learning phase all over again since the BC. :yep: You have beautiful hair btw!