Wig Care Maintenence: Keeping them Fresh!


Well-Known Member
We have several wig/hide your hair challenges going on for the 2011 hair year! :lol: Hopefully this thread can be of some use to all within those challenges.

What steps do you ladies take to keep your wigs (lace, synthetics, human, etc) looking fresh?

YouTube - Wig Care & Wig Colors
YouTube - Washing Your Wigs & Half Wigs Request
YouTube - WASHING A LACE FRONT WIG - Invisiwig
YouTube - Half Wig and Full Wig Hair Care: Products that Work

What are your tips/tricks to keeping your wigs looking their best?
I wash my wigs after about every 20 uses I know too much math LOL. I wash them atleast once a month because I swap up. Sometimes what I do knowing I didn't wear a few the 20 times. I just wash all of them the same day leave one to the side (or that gives me an excuse to open a new one :lachen: ) to have one to wear.

Taking care of your wigs are important, you can get fungus/mold from moisture/dark light areas.

I have mostly Human Hair wigs and Lace Fronts, but I have Synthetics as well. I wash in Luke warm or tepid water. I only use Wig Shampoo for my wigs, Fantasia Wig Shampoo to be exact.

I love my wigs and treat them with gentle care :)

If Needed I add a little watered down conditioner to my wig for one minute before washing/or after to give me softness and to keep the hair in great condition.
I only have 3 custom made human hair half wigs that I rotate throughout the month. I wash and dc weekly(the one I am wearing). I did the same when I wore full lace wigs. I wash them in sulfate free poo and air dry them. I have a wig that the hair is almost 2yrs old. I rarely apply heat to them. I also mostly use cond/water mixture for leave ins and serums. I limit product use on them
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I've been considering the IC Fantasia wig poo. I placed an order for the Demert wig lusterizer and conditioning spray.
I have the Demart Wig Conditioning spray and an Oil Free Wig sheen (this I don't use often but comes in handy sometimes for the HH) I spray my hands and apply it to the wig. I too limit the amount of product I put on my wigs. I use Holding spray for some to keep the hair tamed. :)
Good thread :D

Heres a tip to keep your wigs smelling fresh in between washes: store them in the original package with a dryer fabric softner sheet. You know those Fleecy/Bounce sheets that make your clothes smell good

Ooh another tip..when I wash my wigs I do the final wash with some watered down porosity control. This seems to make my synthetic wigs snap back
Thanks Nasdaq for starting this. Im a total wig newbie and I know nothing about the care of wigs. At all. I just take the only one that I have off my head at night and hang it on the tip of DH's Samurai sword. :look:
This thread is right on time for me....even when I would wash my wig it still looked raggety to me so I would just purchase a new one. :look:

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Thanks Nasdaq for starting this. Im a total wig newbie and I know nothing about the care of wigs. At all. I just take the only one that I have off my head at night and hang it on the tip of DH's Samurai sword. :look:
At least you have it hanging on something. I've left mine on the couch, living room table..most recently I've been throwing it at the top shelf in my closet lol..

I'm def. going to try to learn how to preserve my wigs a little longer.