Why is it that when I wrap my hair...


New Member
my hair comes out horrible the next morning. Its like my hair takes the permanent form of the wrap. The back either starts sticking out or the hair in the front is sticking out. Basically my hair doesn't fall like others do & this happens even after I first get a relaxer. Ill relax my hair Friday & if i wrap it that night by saturday morning my hair wont lay down & its sticking out everywhere. Does anyone else have this problem? My mother says its about 'training' your hair & after awhile for example if you wrap your hair to the right, the left side will eventually get used to being wrapped this way & will start to lay down/ *I usually crosswrap btw because of this*..but i just wanted to know why and if there are any tips to fix this.
When I unwrap, I unravel my hair in the direction that it falls naturally, until I look like "cousin it"....because if I just comb the wrap out there will be random pieces of hair sticking up

^I hope that made sense :look: