WHOA!!! Major shopping spree!!! PJ'ism at its best.....


Beauty IS skin deep.
I just went on a shopping spree. This is what I purchased:

Nutrine Garlic Shampoo Unscented
Nutrine Garlic Conditioner Unscented
Salerm 21 (B5)
Praital Silk Worm Rinse
Nacidit Avacado Rinse (Aguacate)
Nacidit Coconut Oil Rinse (Aceite de Coco)
Nacidit Olive Oil Rinse (Aceite de Olivia)
Universal Una Bomba Treatment
Universal Una Bomba Rinse
Capilo Honey & Milk Conditioner (Miel y Leche)
Capilo Sole & Cinnamon Rinse (Rinse Suela y Canela)
Capilo 311 Three Eleven Deep Conditioner (Tratamiento Profundo)
Capilo Avacado Conditioner
Aphogee EFA Oil (x 2)
ORS Replenishing Pak (bottle)
Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque

Subtotal: $94.62
As you can see, I purchased mostly dominican products. I wanted to try some more, but these will do for now. My only problem now will be trying to make sure I intercept the package before he (SO) get's home on the day it is delivered because when he finds out that I've ordered more hair care products, he is going to rip my head off!!:hammer::whipped:
I just went on a shopping spree. This is what I purchased:

Nutrine Garlic Shampoo Unscented
Nutrine Garlic Conditioner Unscented
Salerm 21 (B5)
Praital Silk Worm Rinse
Nacidit Avacado Rinse (Aguacate)
Nacidit Coconut Oil Rinse (Aceite de Coco)
Nacidit Olive Oil Rinse (Aceite de Olivia)
Universal Una Bomba Treatment
Universal Una Bomba Rinse
Capilo Honey & Milk Conditioner (Miel y Leche)
Capilo Sole & Cinnamon Rinse (Rinse Suela y Canela)
Capilo 311 Three Eleven Deep Conditioner (Tratamiento Profundo)
Capilo Avacado Conditioner
Aphogee EFA Oil (x 2)
ORS Replenishing Pak (bottle)
Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque

Subtotal: $94.62
As you can see, I purchased mostly dominican products. I wanted to try some more, but these will do for now. My only problem now will be trying to make sure I intercept the package before he (SO) get's home on the day it is delivered because when he finds out that I've ordered more hair care products, he is going to rip my head off!!:hammer::whipped:

LMBO at the bold. Very interesting/good choices, who did you order from if you don't mind me asking?
naughty! Are you sure you have enough time to try all that stuff...but I dont blame you. I am sitting up lastnight making a list of all the products that I would like to buy when I get paid...would you believe the list stretched to atleast £100 worth of products...I thought I better sit back and reconsider. The problem is that you guys have a lot of products there but when I track them down in the uk they are about twice the price. I was looking at Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy Cream over in the US its selling for $16 ex delivery over here its £15....my young sister is coming down from the US for xmas so I will get her to bring down a lot of products...I just hope they dont think she is some sort of terrorist carrying all the products at the airport...:lachen:

I'm the last one to talk. I just had a mini shopping spree as well. I went for dom conditioners too.
naughty! Are you sure you have enough time to try all that stuff...but I dont blame you. I am sitting up lastnight making a list of all the products that I would like to buy when I get paid...would you believe the list stretched to atleast £100 worth of products...I thought I better sit back and reconsider. The problem is that you guys have a lot of products there but when I track them down in the uk they are about twice the price. I was looking at Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy Cream over in the US its selling for $16 ex delivery over here its £15....my young sister is coming down from the US for xmas so I will get her to bring down a lot of products...I just hope they dont think she is some sort of terrorist carrying all the products at the airport...:lachen:
I know I shouldn't have done it. I need to go to the dermatologist to get my skin checked out and here I am droppin' money on hair stuff (I really got my priorities in order). I just couldn't resist. I only intended to buy the Garlic Poo & Condish and the ORS Replenishing Condish in the bottle, and ended up buying a whole bunch of other stuff as well. Well, that will do me for now. My next shopping spree won't come til X-Mas (hopefully my SO will either buy me the Pibbs or fork over the cash so that I can buy it:grin:)
I just laugh when I read this. We are so bad. I just ordered $52 in Dom products from Sickbay on Sat night. I ordered 3 of my fav Miss Key Germen de Trigo when I realized it was back in stock. I also ordered the LaBomba treatment and rinse to give it try. You will love the Dom products.
OOOOOOOO....birfday twin...you went all out!!:eek:

I am getting the itch to buy some Dominican products but I'm on a personal 'no buy' challenge til the end of the month.

But come Oct 1st...:angeldevi

ETA: So....is Jan 1, 2008 the day you're checking into rehab or the day you get out?:rofl:
OOOOOOOO....birfday twin...you went all out!!:eek:

I am getting the itch to buy some Dominican products but I'm on a personal 'no buy' challenge til the end of the month.

But come Oct 1st...:angeldevi

ETA: So....is Jan 1, 2008 the day you're checking into rehab or the day you get out?:rofl:

Same here! I just have to live vicariously through others for the time being :ohwell: I love Dominican products and beautyofnewyork is my #2 fave site to buy from.
Thank you for this post, cuz suddenly I don't feel so bad about the $10 I spent yesterday on 4 bottles of Tresemme condish. :lachen:
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Go Girl...I don't have big sprees like this. I have mini ones...a little shampoo here, so barrettes there...a couple of conditioners...but I have got to stop because I have enough conditioner for 8 women!
Oooooh! Update us on how those Nacidit rinses work for yo- I mean....... Bad girl! Bad, bad girl! :spank:
OOOOOOOO....birfday twin...you went all out!!:eek:

I am getting the itch to buy some Dominican products but I'm on a personal 'no buy' challenge til the end of the month.

But come Oct 1st...:angeldevi

ETA: So....is Jan 1, 2008 the day you're checking into rehab or the day you get out?:rofl:
And you know this!!! In the back of my mind, I kept saying "girl, you know you don't need all that stuff":naughty:. But that damn evil twin of mine called PJ kept saying "Baaawwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa........feed me, feed me, feed me!!!:thumbsup: So, I caved in and fed the monster.

Oh, and Jan 1, 2008 is the day I'll be checking into rehab. I'm trying to get the PJ'ism out of me before the new year so that way I can get all the goodies now.:grin::grin:
Thank you for this post, cuz suddenly I don't feel so bad about the $10 I spent yesterday on 4 bottles of Tresemme condish. :lachen:

:lachen: Girl that aint nothin. If I hadn't gotten that PJ in check, I was about to drop another $100 on more stuff from Fromnaturewithlove.com!! I finally got her straight and told her to calm her fiesty arse down before I beat her down:lachen:That PJ'ism is somethin' serious yall!!!
WOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, you just funded those companies childrens college fund :yep: I'm J/K with ya. Make sure you use what you have or you can donate the rest to me :look: I am just trying to help ya :look:
Well i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who lost my mine today:grin: I was on the board last night reading about the aveda dr and the new joico splint end mender, so last night I found a 3.50 off coupon for ULTA and couldn't wait to go to sleep so I could wake up and go to the store!:lachen::lachen: I woke up at 9am because by dog started barking and guess what, it was my ion bonnet dryer that I was waiting for from ebay!!:woohoo:so u know I have to do my first rollerset today! Anywho here is my list of stuff i brought today.

Aveda DR shampoo
Aveda DR conditioner
Joico combo Kpak and splint end mender
joico travel size samples
hair pins
hair clips
flaxseed oil
3 lipglosses from the body shop
and a 60 minute massage:grin::reddancer:

Total- 170
I am the princess and I DESERVE IT! i will try to keep telling myself until my husband comes home.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I just laugh when I read this. We are so bad. I just ordered $52 in Dom products from Sickbay on Sat night. I ordered 3 of my fav Miss Key Germen de Trigo when I realized it was back in stock. I also ordered the LaBomba treatment and rinse to give it try. You will love the Dom products.

The La Bomba treatment is very good. I bought it once and really liked it. Never tried the rinse though. Might add that to my PJ list... hmm... :lachen:
The La Bomba treatment is very good. I bought it once and really liked it. Never tried the rinse though. Might add that to my PJ list... hmm... :lachen:
I heard good things about it so I thought I'd give it a go. If it doesn't turn out to be that good, it will go in a basket of goodies that I will give away when I go back home.
Well i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who lost my mine today:grin: I was on the board last night reading about the aveda dr and the new joico splint end mender, so last night I found a 3.50 off coupon for ULTA and couldn't wait to go to sleep so I could wake up and go to the store!:lachen::lachen: I woke up at 9am because by dog started barking and guess what, it was my ion bonnet dryer that I was waiting for from ebay!!:woohoo:so u know I have to do my first rollerset today! Anywho here is my list of stuff i brought today.

Aveda DR shampoo
Aveda DR conditioner
Joico combo Kpak and splint end mender
joico travel size samples
hair pins
hair clips
flaxseed oil
3 lipglosses from the body shop
and a 60 minute massage:grin::reddancer:

Total- 170
I am the princess and I DESERVE IT! i will try to keep telling myself until my husband comes home.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Damn, and I thought I was bad:grin: I can hang with the Joico line, but I refuse to buy anything from the Aveda line (except for the anti-humectant pomade). I'm scared I might get hooked on Aveda like everyone else. I'll really be broke then. However, I am scheduled for a spa visit next week. I'm supposed to be getting a facial and a mud wrap. I can't wait!!
Well, if you have hair like me, you'll love them. I love every single product that you added on there except for Aphogee... never used that...

My hair hated the ORS pak.
Well, if you have hair like me, you'll love them. I love every single product that you added on there except for Aphogee... never used that...

My hair hated the ORS pak.

What?!?! Oh no! I thought the ORS pak was universal. I thought everyone liked it!! It is always said "what works for you may not work for me". I'm sorry that you and the ORS pak didn't get along. It's a wonderful product.

Aphogee has a really good line. I love their products. You should try them sometime.
I'm so jealous. I'm trying to use up what I already have.

Me too. I have been on an "use everything up" personal challenge. And here you taunt my inner PJ. :lol:

Okay, now that you have been naughty :nono2: ...this is your punishment: "Girl, report back w/results and prod reviews," because those Dominican conditioners sound delish. :yep:

Me too. I have been on an "use everything up" personal challenge. And here you taunt my inner PJ. :lol:

Okay, now that you have been naughty :nono2: ...this is your punishment: "Girl, report back w/results and prod reviews," because those Dominican conditioners sound delish. :yep:

Oh, I most definitely will. I can't wait to get that box and tear it open. I just placed my order today and found out that it has already shipped!! That was quick. I got UPS ground shipping b/c I wasn't about to pay that much for shipping (I'm not in any sort of a rush to get them). So hopefully they should be here by the end of the week.
ShiShiPooPoo;I'm so jealous. I'm trying to use up what I already have.[/quote said:
ME TOO... I wanna be down... :perplexed
I have my wish list here of things I wish I could buy... but will have to wait.