Who are your inspirations here in LHCF?


Well-Known Member
I know we all have our inspirations, and many of then are celebrities, But we have our very own beautiful hair ladies here in LHCF! so share with us who are your inspirations here!.

Mine are :
BostonMaria (Me encanta tu cabello y me encantas tu, más que nada porque eres dominicana chica! Besos)
Irresistible (congrats on your hip lenght)
BlackMasterPiece (i love everything about you, your comments, pictures, blog ...)
LadyLibra (Love your pictures, your amazing progress and vids)
Kurly_K (I don't see her very often here, but i have to confess that i stalked her fotki every single day, and she was my very first inspiration to make the BC)
Ediese (Your progress simply amazed me, great inspiration)
Shunta,Sylver2,Tarae,Toy all are my inspirations! They have helped me tremendously w/ my hair journey and all have beautiful healthy long hair which I want to achieve. Definitely true inspirations! Thank you ladies!!!!

ETA: spell error
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Lady Esquire
ekomba (I dont think she's a member anymore)
Just Kiya

and many more I can't remember.
lol Too many to name. I like everybody!!!!

ETA: Your selection is nice. I like those ladies too!
Ohhhhhhh mea culpa!! i forgot about youuuuuu. I love your hair sooo much. And i miss the gift you had before in your signature :lachen:

And also want to add Pokahontas to the list!
Macheriamour (is she still here?)

Irresistable ( I'm not Natural. I just Love looking at her hair!)
The only one I can think of right now is dlewis...her hair is soo thick and beautiful! I'll think of more later.

ETA: Gabbana Girl. Her hair is too pretty!
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BMP, Taz, Maitai, Mummysgirl, stephelise, mwedzi, gabanagirl, zzirivingj, happilyme...Those are the first that come to mind. Basically anyone whose posts/threads have provoked me to respond with :cry4: or :thud: is an inspiration.

I'll be back with more...

ETA: How could I forget? Nonie!!!

Also, soleil185, southernbella, berryblack, ivey14...
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Mwedzi.....I dream about thickness like that *sigh*....It was her YT videos and fotki that led me over here.... I identified with her frustation early on and have since been amazed by her progress.

Mwedzi is my only "inspiration" but I have heads that I like to see like.

Traycee....cuz I love her progress and event though I am natural I love her YT videos and progress




my new fave posters are AdoraAdora2012.... she just cracks me up, I love it

Gabbana Girl....because I love her style.

annnnnddddd I think I will grow to love WestnDnBeauty....she is relatively new but I like what I have seen :)
I'm all about natural hair, as in relaxer free. So my hair idols are: PinkSkates FlowerHair and Iris. These are my hair divas...they have taken their natural texture and grown it to incredible loooooong lengths!
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I don't want to single anyone out. This forum and everyone in it inspires me holistically and my hair & I thank each of you for it.
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My Inspirations Are Relaxed and Natural,


I know there is more but i cant remember right now.
^^ Well said! I keep thinking of other posters who have helped me, encouraged me, and inspired me... I'd have a list longer than my arm if I put them all.
So far, for me, inspirations are LHCF members Toy :love: and Syncerelyhis :love:

They've achieved my goal . . . Thickness and length!

I'm just in awe. :drunk:

*Off to research best retention methods*

Those are just a few I can name off the top of my head. There are soooo many ladies here both relaxed and natural that have gorgeous hair. Nothing better than a healthy head of hair too look at!!
Lemme see...

While texlaxed:


Longterm transitioners:

Empressri (my pj sister from another mister!)


LynnieB :drool:
LadyLibra (og)
.....I'm gonna stop before I miss someone.
ETA: I did miss some; Miss Masala (still use the scalp treatment!), Auburn Sunset (don't think she's a member here, but hair twin!), CatEyes. I'm for real done.
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Let's see.....

Sylver2, Flowerhair,Boston Maria, DLewis, Chicoro, Toy, Unlvgirl, LaLa,Traycee, Lynnie B, Smiling Elephant, Irresistible, Poka,BlackMasterpiece,Kami,LoveLongLocks, Macherie, SimplyBlessed ( is she the BT lady?),wavesncurls,Supergirl(not sure if she still on here), and Pinkskates come to mind.

However, every poster on LHCF is an inspiration to me no matter their type, as I have learned so much from other's experiences. Seeing pics of our hair in all of its natural, relaxed, texlaxed, BKT'D, or whatever glory, regardless of the length is an inspiration.
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I have a bunch but my top three are Flowerhair, Cichelle, and Pokahontas. All three ladies have gorgeous curls that I adore :yep:.

ETA: Ok I don't how I could possibly forget to add Irresistible :blush: one of the biggest improvements to my reggie (using coconut oil as a leave in) came from her :yep:. I also love leobody's hair but I don't think she is a member here.
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Everyone who transformed their hair from short & damaged to long & healthy, especially those who struggled, never had long hair before, or endured many setbacks. :yep: The names escape me, but there was Ediese, the person who had the ponytail comparison in her siggy with "With God all things are possible"; and there was another with remarkable progress in her sig who recently started to transition, and others... I'm so bad with names. :look: I love to see the really dramatic transformations though, gives me such hope. :yep:

okay, my lunchbrake is over...i'll be back later w/more...

ETA: JenniferMD & FlawedBeauty
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