Which Has The Better Goods??? MSM (vs) Biotin

MSM or Biotin

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I just started taking 1500mg of MSM capsules, but I am really interested in taking Biotin. I'm already taking a hair, skin, and nails supplement which already contains 1000mg of biotin, but I'd like to up my dosage. What do you ladies think? should I just stick with what I have? or should I get rid of my MSM and up my biotin dosage?
If I were you I'd take one at a time, giving it at least a month to watch for any side effects.

I just realized you said you already take a hair and nails vitamin with Biotin but I still would introduce one at a time. I would love to be able to take both.

I took Biotin before and it broke me out horribly. Some people don't get breakouts though. But I had hair growing ALL OVER THE PLACE in places I didn't know hair could grow if you know what I mean LOL. But I don't remember the hair on my head growing much longer because of the Biotin but I guess everybody's different.

I can vouch for MSM though because my hair has gotten extra thick since taking it and it's my wonder supplement now and I can't live without it. I hardly have any shedding because of it. :yep:

They're both good. I take them for different things. Biotin for my skin, nails, and hair (in a supplement of blended herbs) and MSM for joints and pain (the hair/nails/etc is a side benefit.) Just make sure you drink plenty of water, keep an eye out for side effects, and try not to take too much.
MSM is the business. I've been taking it about a month and half. I'm just about to finish my 1st 100 capsulebottle and I noticed a lot of benefits from it. More energy, better deeper sleep, my eyelashes are thicker and longer, my eyebrows filled in and my hair growth increased. I was apl at the beginning of aprial and I'm almost bsb already. I can't take over 2000 mg msm or it gives me some intesinal issues.....lol. and I can't take more than 2000 mg biotin or it makes my skin breakout
Keep your dosages low for both of them then increase after a week. You will know when u reach your limit. Then go back down the dosage b4 the adverse effects and the brekouts or gas.... will stop
Taking large dosages of anything is not necessarily going to increase their benefits. What your body is unable to absorb will be passed through your urine. Be careful of the side effects as well. I currently take 1500 mg of MSM (I have joint pain), 7.5mg of biotin (can't say if it is helping my hair but my nails grow like crazy), and Super B-Complex.