Which Chemical Process is More Healthy For Hair?!


Well-Known Member
Is texturized/texlaxed hair healthier than bone straight relaxed hair ---since the chemical is left on the hair for a shorter period of time or is relaxed bone straight hair more healthy because the complete processing time was used? Which process reaps better benefits?
That's like asking which cigarette is better to smoke. Yea - it's a light cigarette, so there's a heavier filter on the cigarette - but it doesn't mean it's really any better or "safer" for you than a Newport.

The answer would be NO chemicals. I mean, if you're really interested in hair health than a relaxer shouldn't be in the question.

HOWEVER: that's to not to say you can't have some fabulous hair with some chemicals - lord knows there are some sisters on here with beautiful, healthy relaxed hair. It's a balance - the more chemicals you put on your head, the more moisture you're going to need to replenish. Relaxers break the protein bonds of your hair - so to maintain hair strength, protein treatments may become more necessary. Texlaxed, Texturized, Relaxed or Natural - understand your hair's moisture needs is going to make our break your success (because it is possible to OVER do the moisture thing). Moisture is your friend!!! :)
MsNadi said:
That's like asking which cigarette is better to smoke. Yea - it's a light cigarette, so there's a heavier filter on the cigarette - but it doesn't mean it's really any better or "safer" for you than a Newport.

The answer would be NO chemicals. I mean, if you're really interested in hair health than a relaxer shouldn't be in the question.

HOWEVER: that's to not to say you can't have some fabulous hair with some chemicals - lord knows there are some sisters on here with beautiful, healthy relaxed hair. It's a balance - the more chemicals you put on your head, the more moisture you're going to need to replenish. Relaxers break the protein bonds of your hair - so to maintain hair strength, protein treatments may become more necessary. Texlaxed, Texturized, Relaxed or Natural - understand your hair's moisture needs is going to make our break your success (because it is possible to OVER do the moisture thing). Moisture is your friend!!! :)

Excellent points!
A chemical is a chemical. That's how I look at it. There really isn't a difference between the two.
sugaplum said:
A chemical is a chemical. That's how I look at it. There really isn't a difference between the two.

I have to respectfully disagree.

The difference between a chemical left on for 5 minutes versus one left on for 10 minutes is 5 minutes.

True, when you put chemicals on your hair in order to straighten it, you're causing damage, but it does depend on how long you keep it on there.

So if care is the same, a person who relaxes 60-80% of max has a better chance of staving off more potential damage than someone who relaxes bone straight.

IMHO I believe it depends on the strength of the individuals hair and the frequency of the relaxers. I dont think you should relax bone straight every five weeks but I do think you can after three months. But to answer the question I believe texlax is stronger because is has more elasticity.
Natural hair is stronger than texturized, texturized is stronger than texlaxed (more processed IMO), and texlaxed stronger than bone straight. But, the health of your hair at any of these phases depends on care. I've seen some jacked up naturals, long & thick relaxed ladies, and vice versa. If you choose to process or not to process your hair, you still have to take care of your hair according to its needs.
I totally don't think there is a difference b/t texlaxed and underprocessed, I think they are both the same so therefore I would say that texlaxed is worse than texturized or bonestraight.
Anybody who knows anything about chemicals will say exposure is everything. There are trace amounts of arsenic in the soil all over the planet. It does nothing to humans and animals. So much as a ml in your tea and it's over! The longer the hair is exposed to the relaxer the more the hair is broken down. It's just that simple.
I don't have a scientific answer, but I know that I have about 3-4 inches of texlaxed hair, and the rest is bone-straight. The texlaxed hair is definitely thicker, and since it has some of its curl pattern left, I would assume it's more elastic.

But, I don't think there's enough of a difference to choose one over the other based on health. It just depends on the look you want, IMO. It's all relaxed.
Just wanted to chime in my two cents here. I think it really depends on the individual. Natural is not necessarily the best for everyone. You really have to evaluate your hair. After six years natural, I honestly think my texturized hair is more healthy. Is it te exposure to chemicals? No. Well maybe ndirectly. My hair has become a lot easier to care for. I had very tightly coiled strands that thrived in locks but left loose broke more often that not. Everyday when I would take my clothes off I'd have this little dark rings on my shirt. Yeah ewwwww right? My hair was beaking off wherever it cam into contact with anything. I've experienced significantly less breakage AFTER chemicals. That's why I say it really depends on your individaul hair. Of course the kind of care you provide is a big factor too. Hope this helps some.
