What's wrong with wrapping?

How do you feel about wrapping your hair

  • Wrapping is good for the hair

    Votes: 160 53.2%
  • Wrapping is not good for the hair

    Votes: 141 46.8%

  • Total voters

I'm not so sure a/b the bolded. For me, it doesn't matter how clean my hair is...My hair just sticks straight up when I comb the wrap down in the morning, and then I end up having to brush it down, and the back of the head on the right side sticks out at an angle :( ...*sigh* Maybe I just don't have enough hair yet or something...My friend has fine/thin hair like mine and she wraps RELIGIOUSLY and doesn't lose a single strand (I'd say she's between APL and BSL). So, I really don't know. :ohwell:

Oh, one more thing: Although I do have to say that I tried the steps from Macherie's wrapping tutorial, and it was totally different from how I'd learned to wrap (which looking back I don't think I ever was taught how to wrap properly) but my hair looked the same way in the a.m...all cockamamey (sp?) and what not :lol: :perplexed

I have fine textured hair as well, it gets heavy and narsty very easily and when I unwrap it the short hairs will stick up (if my hair has gotten greasy).
Hopefully as your hair gets longer it will have more weight and that will prevent the "cockamamey" hair that you described :lol:

I don't loose a lot of hair when I wrap, but I use a huge wide tooth to wrap. I use a flat Aveda brush to smooth everything into place afterwards.
Everytime I wrap my hair it turns out looking crazy. I get that angular thing going on too when I unwrap. It's not cute. :nono: I don't understand what goes wrong. I even had my sister to wrap my hair because hers always turns out perfect. And my wrap still turned out looking crazy. I have given up.
I have fine textured hair as well, it gets heavy and narsty very easily and when I unwrap it the short hairs will stick up (if my hair has gotten greasy).
Hopefully as your hair gets longer it will have more weight and that will prevent the "cockamamey" hair that you described :lol:

I don't loose a lot of hair when I wrap, but I use a huge wide tooth to wrap. I use a flat Aveda brush to smooth everything into place afterwards.

Yes!! I believe this is true :yep: My hair has grown quite a bit since I last posted, and there is more weight to it, and less hairs stick up now. Only where I am growing out short layers do I experience it. I am using a wide tooth comb (the rake comb by Cricket :D) to wrap, and then I smooth the ends w/a soft boar bristle brush. I don't experience any complications or lose any hair with my wrap anymore. :drunk:
i'm new to all this, but i was searching for this subject a couple of days ago. i noticed a lot of people said their hair thinned on one side- usually the side they started the wrap on. i have been wrapping my hair for years (starting on the right side) and my only complaint is my left side hangs in a strange way for awhile (probably because my hair is short). recently, i have been trying the cross wrap with better results.
i used to wrap every night. then i started reading on how wrapping could thin out 1 side and i cnt wrap to the other side so i just decided to not wrap every night. but i still wrap sometimes just not every single night like i used to.
oh and i think its quite good for my hair
I haven't consistently wrapped in over a year and the front of my hair has grown in a lot better.
I've never had a problem with wrapping. I used to wrap all the time (haven't recently due to laziness) and I liked how my ends were all smooth and nice...
I hear alot about protective styles but i hardly hear anything about wrapping hair. Everynight i moisturize and massage my scalp then i wrap my hair-put on my silk scarf and do the sleep thang:grin: my hair is healthy and right now its alittle past my shoulders. is it wrong to wrap my hair? i do remember someone saying that her hair is thin on the right side because of wrapping. did this happen to anyone else? just wanna know how you ladies feel about the whole wrapping hair thing.
its not the wrapping itself, it s HOW you wrap it. most ladies here do a thing called a 'crosswrap'. keeps your edges from thinning and your scalp wont be sore. it saved my hair lol
I definitely think wrapping your hair over time COULD be damaging. I wrap my hair when I straighten my hair (about 4-5 times per year). After a few days one side of my hairline in the front gets very tender. I try to switch the direction in which I wrap every other day to avoid the tenderness. When I used to always wear my hair straight as a natural, I used to wrap in one direction all the time and I don't remember having problems. I assume my hair just became used to it. If you never have any discomfort I assume it would be okay.
i wrap my hair every night and NEVER experience thin edges or watever... if you want you can just switch sides you wrap every night i dunno if that helps but it helps take out the bumps in mines
I wrap my hair everynight. I dont wrap my hair in the same direction more than two nights in a row. I have not had any adverse affects from doing it.

It does become a problem at 8-10 weeks post. I just put up in a high on my head and wear protective styles until I get my touch up at 11-12 weeks post.

I am interested in getting more information about this.
If you mean wrap-setting the hair, then I think its good for the ends, but not for the scalp. When I was relaxed, I got a balding spot on the left side of my hair from wrapping so much. My ends were a tad bit thinner too..... I mean, if you want a good protective style, then this shouldn't be too bad, but i've just experienced thinning hairline because of doing this too often.

I have dry-wrapped my hair when it was pressed. It looked great and smoothed my ends, but when I was relaxed, it was hell on my hairline.
I rollerset and wrap because it's the only protective style that looks nice on me. I think it is great for shorter hair because it's a protective style since the hair isn't touching the shoulders. With longer hair not so much because your hair is coming in contact with yoru clothing and such. It has helped my hair "tame itself" and fall into place even when it's not wrapped which is what I like. I don't have to detangle as much and it's a kute style to wear year round. The right side of my head is thinner than the other....but I'ma just start reversing the sides and babying my right side more :drunk:
I used to wrap every night, and now I know why my right side was much shorter, had more breakage and was thinner than my left side. I am hoping to see hair progress using alternate methods.
I wrap my hair every night for about 8 months now, in the same direction because it works best for my hair that way. I don't comb or brush it very vigorously at all, I think this makes the difference. I gently comb it around my head, the use a soft bristle brush to gently smooth it, pin it in a few spots, put my scarf on a I'm good. In the morning I don't have to do much combing at all so for me it is a protective style in a way that it keeps the manipulation down to a minimum.
i dont see anything negative about wrapping your hair. I dont wrap my hair often maybe a few times a year. I keep my hair twisted or braided under a wig.:spinning:
I wrapped my hair several times per week for about 6 years. My hair thinned severely on the right side (the direction I wrapped in) and slowly began to creep up on the left side. I went to the doctor and he couldn't figure out why this was happening. Now, after reading this thread, I realize it was because of the constant wrapping.

I've been natural now for the past two years and my right hairline is still thin and short as a result of past wrapping...it's slowly coming back, while the left side seems to have grown back.

So now that I know what was causing it, can it be fixed?
Hmm... why do you think that was? I would get soreness on my temple too. I don't think I had the shedding though. But I rarely wrapped. It was only when I wore my hair down, which was very infrequent anyway.

Does anyone know?

wow, i had this ame proplem with soreness, i always wondered why, guess it was the wrapping. i've since stopped as well, cause my edges were thining too:ohwell: