What's wrong if I relax every 8-10 weeks???


Well-Known Member
I'm new so I'm still learning...
Most of yall are big on stretching your relaxers, but what is the point in stretching them for more than 10-12 weeks?? If hair grows at least 1/2" a month, at 10-12 weeks you should have at least 1-1.5" of new growth. You shouldn't overlap.

Do you stretch for 12, 16, 34(j/k) weeks just to see if you have the ability to do it? I'm only 5 1/2 weeks post relaxer, and I notice that my hair is starting to break, any suggestions?
oobrittany said:
I'm new so I'm still learning...
Most of yall are big on stretching your relaxers, but what is the point in stretching them for more than 10-12 weeks?? If hair grows at least 1/2" a month, at 10-12 weeks you should have at least 1-1.5" of new growth. You shouldn't overlap.

Do you stretch for 12, 16, 34(j/k) weeks just to see if you have the ability to do it? I'm only 5 1/2 weeks post relaxer, and I notice that my hair is starting to break, any suggestions?

You're right; the point of stretching is to allow more new growth to come in to prevent overlapping the relaxer. But some folks may choose to stretch longer than 12 weeks because their hair grows more slowly, or they just really want to give their hair a break from chemicals. It can also just be a personal goal. I'm going for an 11 week stretch right now (about 3 more weeks to go). I used to relax every 6 weeks and I didn't have all that much new growth - maybe .25-.75 inch.

If you notice that your hair is breaking, try a protein treatment or reconstructor (like Nexxus Emergencee). There is a "sticky" thread on the main page about hair breakage, and it explains the moisture/protein balance very well. There are different ways to counteract your breakage depending on your hair's needs.

ETA: Here's the hair breakage thread!
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Hi. I'm just speaking from my experience. I've tried to stretch. I've made it out to 12 weeks, but the two textures were soooo different that my hair broke off something terrible. I prefer to have my hair really straight (less need for heat durring styling-but that's just my preference), so I schedule my 8 week touch-up like clock work now. As a result, my hair has grown a lot, the breakage has reduced greatly, and it works for me.
just to prevent overlapping, my hair doesnt grow that fast so if I get a relaxer too soon there is bound to be some overlapping....and I am on a "healthy hair high" right now so I dont need any overlapping.....
Ms Kraft said:
Hi. I'm just speaking from my experience. I've tried to stretch. I've made it out to 12 weeks, but the two textures were soooo different that my hair broke off something terrible. I prefer to have my hair really straight (less need for heat durring styling-but that's just my preference), so I schedule my 8 week touch-up like clock work now. As a result, my hair has grown a lot, the breakage has reduced greatly, and it works for me.

Thank you for pointing that out. I'm not a stretcher and I don't feel bad because I can't stretch longer than 8 weeks.
Speaking for my own head, I stretch past 10 weeks because I don't mind newgrowth and I don't experience any negative effects from it. I'm okay with my hair not being bone straight all the time. I think a lot of the damage that we experience comes from the overapplication of relaxers as soon as we see the slightest bit of kink.
my hair grows really fast so I could never stretch. I've tried going past 8 weeks and my hair was breaking off. a lot of people post about how their hair is breaking off while they stretch and it makes me wonder if it's even worth all of that.
Nothing is wrong with relaxing every 8 to 10 weeks. The longer time span between touch-ups, the greater opportunity for more growth and the less chance of overlapping.

Some people can stretch with little breakage or shedding and some have more problems. So do what is right for your hair.
I agree with the previously posted comments. I can stretch as long as 9 weeks and that is really pushing it. I have three hair types: 3C/4A/4B. The 4A and 4B hair will start shed and break if I don't relax at 8 weeks.
You have to do what is right for YOUR hair. I was trying to stretch 12 weeks and it was snap/crackle/pop all over the place.

Now I realize I need to relax around week 9-10.
oobrittany said:
I'm new so I'm still learning...
Most of yall are big on stretching your relaxers, but what is the point in stretching them for more than 10-12 weeks?? If hair grows at least 1/2" a month, at 10-12 weeks you should have at least 1-1.5" of new growth. You shouldn't overlap.

Do you stretch for 12, 16, 34(j/k) weeks just to see if you have the ability to do it? I'm only 5 1/2 weeks post relaxer, and I notice that my hair is starting to break, any suggestions?

ITA. I don't stretch (imo) I would go for about 5-6 months but that is just cuz my hair is thin and the way I usually wear my hair the ng doesn't bother me. I generally relax when someone (my sister) starts harassing me about it. But I do feel there is no point in stretching for the prevention of overlapping cuz u shouldn't overlap with 1-2 inches of ng. However a lot of ladies on here do it and feel it makes a huge difference. If I was in the habit of relaxing every 8-10 weeks I wouldnt see anything wrong with relaxing that often. I am transitioning (8 months) and got a blowout, my hair is bone straight like I relaxed it and I hate it. Since my hair is thin relaxing doesn't really help my cause and I'd rather do without one for as long as I can
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I don't think there's anything wrong with relaxing at 8-10 weeks. I think it just depends on the person's personal preference.
I thought the purpose of stretching was to limit exposure to the entire length of the hair.

Because even though I don't overlap in application, in smoothing -- everything through to my ends eventually gets some relaxer on it.

I don't like that. But at the same time I won't stretch beyond 8 weeks because I don't like to stress my hair and I don't want to look like a HAM.

I do get concerned about how many times a year my poor ends and length get relaxer dripped on it, but all I can do is try to coat them with something and do protein for endurance.
I usually relax every 8-10 weeks. I was thinking about stretching to 12 weeks this time (I'm currently at week 6), but I'm now wondering if it's really necessary.
I just started relaxing my hair again this year and I've been doing it every 10-12 weeks. That's been working for me because I self-relax and waiting this long keeps me from overlapping. Like some have already said, it's better that you do what works best for your hair. Keep it growing! :)
I used to relax every 6 weeks pre LHCF then 8 weeks one time then 12 weeks cold turkey. I am 11 weeks post now and I thinkI can go another 2 weeks to 13 weeks bc I have very very very little shedding and hardly very little breakage. My hair is bringing thickness back. I like it:)
For me, stretching longer than 10wks is counterproductive. After that time span, my hair is so difficult to manage and starts breaking everywhere because I have to manipulate it so much more just to get it to "act right". So personally, I relax every 8-9 wks if I dont get braids in my hair. But I do tip my hat off to those who can do massive stretches, I just cant do it though.
MissB said:
I agree with the previously posted comments. I can stretch as long as 9 weeks and that is really pushing it. I have three hair types: 3C/4A/4B. The 4A and 4B hair will start shed and break if I don't relax at 8 weeks.

I feel ya on the 4B. I was trying to stretch, and looking forward to it!! I have a patch of 4B in my crown, and it is maaaaaad! I will bow to my 4B and relax tonight. :D
For me part of it is a long term health issue. Relaxers are very powerful chemicals, and if i'm stretching for 4 months at a time, that means I only have to expose myself and my hair/scalp to harsh chemicals 3 times a years, wheras if I'm relaxing every 8 weeks, I'm raising my exposure to 6 times a year unnecessarily.

Yes I have seen wonderful benefits with my hair due to stretching, and I can successfuly manage the 2 (or in my case, 3 or 4) textures quite well, but I think the overall potential long term health benefits greatly outweigh all of that (for me at least).
12 weeks has become my norm now that I having my hair relaxed in a salon. When I was doing it myself I relaxed every 8-10 weeks. It is not bad, but some people (myself) don't want to go to the salon that often. My goal is to have 4 relaxers a year at $45=$180 minimum just to have it applied, burnt dried and flat ironed.
bgsix said:
You have to do what is right for YOUR hair. I was trying to stretch 12 weeks and it was snap/crackle/pop all over the place.

Now I realize I need to relax around week 9-10.

ITA! You have to find the balance that works for your hair. The key of stretching is to get enough growth so as not to overlap/overprocess hair, thus helping the new growth not break.

10 weeks is probably sufficient. Just don't retouch every 4-6 weeks, which is what a lot of us did pre LHCF!
I've been easily going to about 12, 13 weeks, but I might take it back down to 10 weeks. That way my hair won't look too much of a mess toward the tail end. I'd rather just relax at 10 weeks instead of putting heat on my hair to style it in between relaxers.
i tried to stretch for 10-12 weeks and I am now on the end of week 9 and will touch up tomorrow. i can't go past 8 weeks ever again.

I cowashed last night and my hair was a tangleed mess with knots i had to remove. it's not worth it to me.
I stretch relaxers for the purpose of limited chemical exposure first and foremost, and my hair and scalp has been healthier when I stretch 12-18 weeks as opposed to 8 weeks. Thats just me. Im always sure to keep my hair detangled and to minimize manipulation and Ive had wonderful growth since doing so.