What's the longest you have gone without combing/brushing your hair?


Well-Known Member
I'm only interested in those ladies that do not wear braids or weaves. I'm trying to do an experiment to see how many days I can go without combing my hair and how the end results will be. Anyone ever tried this? I'm trying to start a low manipulation regimen as I transition from relaxed to natural. Thanks ladies!
My hair has gone 6 months without combing! I feel like the comb rips out my hair so I use my human comb (hands). If I come to a snarl I just take each strand out one by one until no more snarl. I have achieved less broken hairs doing it this way!
I'm guessing you also aren't talking to those who wear twists either since they are kinda like braids, right?

If you are only excluding braids and weaves then August will make a year since I have been out of braids and not used a comb. I am in twists though. :look:

As for brushes, except for the hairline peppercorns, it has been decades since I used one in my hair.
So combs and brushes are a no no when you are a natural? I've been wondering about this
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So combs and brushes are a no no when you are a natural? I've been wondering about this

That's what I'm trying to figure out. We live in a straight haired world and every method we know is for people with straight hair, so............how do you really care for coiled hair???
A week...I gotta detangle at least once a week.

ETA Brighteyes35, I only use a modified Denman brush/seamless widetooth comb in the shower with a head full of conditioner to detangle. Brushing/combing dry hair is a no-no:nono:
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I'm guessing you also aren't talking to those who wear twists either since they are kinda like braids, right?

If you are only excluding braids and weaves then August will make a year since I have been out of braids and not used a comb. I am in twists though. :look:

As for brushes, except for the hairline peppercorns, it has been decades since I used one in my hair.

As long as they are your real hair. I don't wear extensions so I was interested in those who only work with their real hair.
Love your hair girl. When you detangle, what type of method or comb are you using?
See post above. I should also add that I usually wear my hair in wash-n-go styles, and to date have not worn twists as a style. I usually band my hair to stretch it and let it air-dry if I want a stretched, blow-out kind of style.
The most I've gone without a comb is about 7-10 days during which time I finger comb. I only end up picking up a comb on wash days for detangling. But I feel like if I didn't wash every 7-10 days, then I would be able to go much longer without a comb.
About three weeks?

I figured finger combing really isn't my thing, I got more knots and tangles by finger combing... now I try to comb my hair once when I am out of a protective style.
I usually only comb my hair on wash day. I can go anywhere from 7 to 14 days without combing. During that time I usually roll my hair up every night, finger comb, and use spray leave-ins as moisturizers. I do finger comb though.
So combs and brushes are a no no when you are a natural? I've been wondering about this

nicole625 No they're not a no-no. Not if you use a seamless comb and you learn to comb your hair gently and you understand how your hair behaves so you're not raking a comb through hair whose ends are curled around each other.

When I'm wearing my hair out, I comb it EVERY SINGLE DAY. I just don't need a comb to undo braids (it'd be more cumbersome and stressful to use one; I prefer to feel and do a better/faster job using fingers) and I don't need a comb to undo twists. I love feeling my hair and find fingers work well if my hair is worn in twists or braids. Otherwise, I live by the comb if wearing my hair out because I love a combed out puff.

If I wore a twist-out or braid-out, I probably could do w/o a comb again because I don't find it necessary in preparing hair to braid/twist or undoing a braids/twists.

Here's an vid of me combing my shrunken 4B hair with conditioner in it. As you can see, I don't get breakage or snagging...so there's really no reason for me to be afraid of combs:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCcoXph8tF4
I've never worn braids, wigs, or weaves and I haven't brushed my hair since January of 2009.

I comb daily though. :yep:

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If I'm in twists I can go a month or so without combing. With loose hair I detangle on wash day so thats 1-2 weeks.

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