What is the longest you can go without washing your hair?

I think if I tried to push it past 4 days, I'd scratch my scalp off. I can't even understand how I used to go two weeks!

Same here. I would have bald spots if I go for week. I was scratching already so much yesterday at day 3, but I was feeling so lazy and didn't want to wake up extra early to wash and and let my hair dry before work. Today is wash/dc day.
I've gone 14 days... But that was either pure laziness or because I had a glue in... Either way, I don't traditionally like to go past 8/9 days because my hair becomes extreme oily after day 5/6.
8-10 days maxx!! My scalp doesn't itch or cause me issues, but my hair will feel gross and just heavy from product build-up.
With my sensitive scalp, 8 days is the max for me,,, by then I am walking around beating my head.... i usually wash every 3-4 days
Let's see. I washed my last Saturday, put in yarn twists on Sunday and now it's Wedsnesday and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my scalp in the front to keep from ripping my twists out. I'm also thinking it's starting to smell a little.

So that would be about 4 days.
Loose Hair = Weekly

Braid Extensions/Weaves = 3-6 weeks Easy ...and whats weird is with that "dirty hair" my hair tends to shed less, be thicker, and retains better....but i hate doing it because i actually enjoy the feeling of fresh hair :ohwell:.....

Same here. :yep:
I have pushed to 2 weeks before when I'm stretching my relaxers but my scalp is so itchy from dryness. I need my conditioner weekly. :(
When I was relaxed, and also not taking care of my hair I could go a month, easily. Now that I'm natural my scalp is all of a sudden so much more aware and I struggle to get to 2 weeks.
I've gone 2 months easily when I'm in a weave and I've had no complaints from my hair because although I don't wash I squirt water/moisture under my weave and onto my hair. In fact hiding my hair was how I achieved my major growth. Now I just need to work out how to get into the habit of having a regular wash routine.
I've gone a week but by then I was popping pain meds like they were a daily vitamin supplement to keep my migraine from taking over my life. If I go more than 3 days w/o washing my hair, I get a headache. If I wait longer, I have to take meds or it will develops into a migraine. Go figure.

Nonie The doctor at my school's clinic actually told me to wash my hair every few days to prevent an unnecessary migraine. Something about pollen or whatever environmental stuff she mentioned getting in the hair and causing an allergic reaction....I told her I didn't have allergies but she still said it's been known to cause migraines in women (who normally get them) who don't wash often. She also recommended changing the pillowcase every couple days as well.

Luckily my migraines are controlled by my diet and not the frequency of washes.
One week is pushing if it's loose as my scalp starts smelling funky to me after three days..

I can push it up to two weeks, if it is in a ponytail or bun as long as I use lots of product to disguise any odours.
Well when I was younger...the whole summer. Lol it was horrible detangling it but oh well I enjoyed being dirty.

12 days is the most I'll do now. If I could go longer I would. I hate washing my hair.
I just went 10 days without washing my hair because I was being super lazy. It was HORRIBLE! My scalp cried. My hair cried. I shed a slight tear for them both. Then I got my *** in the shower and scrubbed my scalp like mad.
@Nonie The doctor at my school's clinic actually told me to wash my hair every few days to prevent an unnecessary migraine. Something about pollen or whatever environmental stuff she mentioned getting in the hair and causing an allergic reaction....I told her I didn't have allergies but she still said it's been known to cause migraines in women (who normally get them) who don't wash often. She also recommended changing the pillowcase every couple days as well.

Luckily my migraines are controlled by my diet and not the frequency of washes.

Wow, thank you @LaFemmeNaturelle. My migraines can be caused by food, not washing my hair, even a pattern on an outfit. :lol: One day this lady came to our office wearing a white satin-like blouse with diagonal black stripes. Looking at it triggered a migraine. It was so awful. I mean, I had to avoid looking at her...and I couldn't possibly tell her, "Ma'am, your outfit is making me ill", now could I?
Nonie said:
I've gone a week but by then I was popping pain meds like they were a daily vitamin supplement to keep my migraine from taking over my life. If I go more than 3 days w/o washing my hair, I get a headache. If I wait longer, I have to take meds or it will develops into a migraine. Go figure.

I've told ppl that waiting too long to wash my hair gives me a headache and they always look at me weird. I'm glad someone knows what I'm talking about lol.
When I wear my hair straight, I wash monthly. When my hair is in it's natural state, I usually wash every 3-4 days. Basically, I wash whenever I am re-doing a hair style and want to DC my hair, as I like to deep condition clean, fresh hair. I'm pretty sure I can go even longer than 1 month, since my hair and scalp very rarely feel "dirty" or in desperate need of cleansing.