What's the difference


New Member
As a natural what is the difference between shingling and wash-n-gos?

When I tried shingling it didn't really do much but make my hair crunchy while my WnG are shrunken but defined. Is shingling suppose to length the curls while WnGs allow skrinkage with definition?

Though my hair is longer I still don't see a difference. If you have pictures of a difference that would help.
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To my knowledge, shingling involves manipulating individual product laden curls to stretch them while wet. A true wash and go is just that: a wash and go, with no extra curl manipulation (though some naturals like to comb through lightly).
To my knowledge, shingling involves manipulating individual product laden curls to stretch them while wet. A true wash and go is just that: a wash and go, with no extra curl manipulation (though some naturals like to comb through lightly).

Is a there a difference in look?
Is a there a difference in look?

I think it depends on the texture/type of the hair. My 4B hair shrinks and looks like an uncombed mess with WNGs. Tkj25's shingling on his hair (and I believe we have the same hair) looked like a 4A WNG w/ coils looking elongated and clumping and standing out the way those of 4A do.

Maybe shingling and WNGs on type 3 hair look the same. I dunno. Never shingled so don't have pics to show the difference but this is a WNG puff on my hair:

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A wash n go is exactly what it says. You wash it and go. The way a wash n go looks will depend on your hair type.

Shingling is a technique to define your curls. If you have a lot of frizz in your curls or if your curls don't clump then shingling will help get curl definition. How your hair looks after shingling will depend on hair type. Shingling is mostly done on tighter, frizzier curl patterns like 4a's and 3c's. After shingling hair should have defined curls all over. The gel or curly puddings used add weight to the hair causing the curls to elongate and clump together.