What To Get at Whole Foods + A Few More Things


New Member
I am thinking about making a trip to Whole Foods in the next few months. I am trying hard to resist until I use up all the hair care products I have now.

My Whole Foods is a 45 minute bus ride away, so I do not want to waste it. So... what can I get there in terms of:

-Other 100% natural hair goodies

I'm not really looking for commercial hair products. Just raw products to throw in my hair.

I also wanted to note I finally had a hair epiphany. I think they reason I've had this nearly year-long length hump is I do not detangle regularly. So, I am going to try detangling at least once a week to see if it gets better.

But... I am still having another problem: twists/braids leave me with bad tangles and dry ends. Does anyone know how I can prevent this?
I like Whole Paycheck...but umm I don't think it's worth a 45 minute bus ride. Especially when you can get everything they have from other places either online or in a store. There's no vitamin shoppe closer to you? I've heard vitacost.com has really great prices on oils and stuff like that.

If you do decide to go there then definitely take your time. They have all the different brands: alaffia, giovanni, aubrey's, alba, and lots of others. The Whole Foods 365 brand is also really good as well. The only things I buy from there now are castor oil (home health brand) and rosewater.
I would maybe get some Chlorella or some green supplement. They really work for overall health and hair growth!
I just some Aloe Vera Gel from Vitamin Shoppe. I just couldn't find any butters or castor oil (I haven't been able to find that anywhere). The 45 minute bus ride doesn't bother me. I practically live on the bus anyway. :grin:

I like Whole Paycheck...but umm I don't think it's worth a 45 minute bus ride. Especially when you can get everything they have from other places either online or in a store. There's no vitamin shoppe closer to you? I've heard vitacost.com has really great prices on oils and stuff like that.

If you do decide to go there then definitely take your time. They have all the different brands: alaffia, giovanni, aubrey's, alba, and lots of others. The Whole Foods 365 brand is also really good as well. The only things I buy from there now are castor oil (home health brand) and rosewater.
I just some Aloe Vera Gel from Vitamin Shoppe. I just couldn't find any butters or castor oil (I haven't been able to find that anywhere). The 45 minute bus ride doesn't bother me. I practically live on the bus anyway. :grin:

Well, I wouldn't go to Whole Foods for butters, I've never found any there that I liked and they're always in tiny jars (like the Alaffia shea butter). It makes more sense to order those online. iherb.com has castor oil for like 4 or 5 dollars and I think they have other stuff too (E.Princess told me about it).

But I will say that I love the vitamins and health supplements aisle at Whole Foods. It has a million things to choose from. And they have a good selection of body stuff there as well.
Well, I wouldn't go to Whole Foods for butters, I've never found any there that I liked and they're always in tiny jars (like the Alaffia shea butter). It makes more sense to order those online. iherb.com has castor oil for like 4 or 5 dollars and I think they have other stuff too (E.Princess told me about it).

But I will say that I love the vitamins and health supplements aisle at Whole Foods. It has a million things to choose from. And they have a good selection of body stuff there as well.

Thanks for the heads up! I would have been greatly disappointed. I was trying to avoid buying online (super impatient), but I think that will be my best bet in the end. Thanks.
I've been to 3 different whole foods and they don't all carry the same amount of natural products so I wouldn't go there just for that. And the previous poster was right the jars are tiny and they are expensive. You'd be better off buying online for butters.
I heard they had good prices on argan oil. Its the stuff thats in Morrocan Oil brand hair stuff. I am going to try it as soon as I come up out this sew in.
Rosie, when I order from Vitacost.com, I am always surprised at how quickly my order arrives. Ordering on-line is not too slow at all most of the time. :)
Here's what I like to get at whole foods:

Virgin Coconut oil (I buy it from the supplements section)
Essential oils
Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner (they have the original version and the whole foods edition, which is a bit cheaper).

I used to buy Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose from Whole Foods, but it's around 2 dollars cheaper at Vitamin Shoppe, so I get i from there. But if there's no Vitamin Shoppe near you definitely check out the Aubrey organics line. They have this gel called B-5 gel that's natural and my friend loves it. I'm actually thinking about getting some for myself.
I buy my Kinky Curly Custard from there but beware, all Whole Foods are not created equally. Some carry goods that another may not!!!!