What products do you always end up coming back too?


Well-Known Member
For me..

Keracare Humecto. I have strayed to many different raved about conditioners, but after many trials I realized this gave me the most slippiest, moisturizing experience, never fails. I bought the 5lb tub and haven't looked back.

Ultra Black Hair Conditioner. I used this at the very beginning of my journey when I read Cathy Howse's book along with her methods and honestly they turned everything completely around. I found this board and tampered with my regimen along with other protein conditioners, which I haven't discarded them all but this conditioner gets the job done. It takes the guess work out of the protein/moisture balance. Use this every 3 days for 2 weeks and breakage is null and void. It took 2 years but I have found my way back to it.

By the way this is my first thread....pop goes the cherry.
KeraCare Humecto - From a fresh relaxer to inches of tangled 4b ng, it comes thru for me everytime.

CON Green label poo

PHYTO Index II relaxer
LeKair Cholesterol Plus
CON (green) Detangling poo
BB Oil Moisturizer

These are staples and easy to get, always available at Wal-Mart, I love 'em.

Welcome Chanel! Love your username. :grin:
Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor
Hot Six Oil

Both of these are great products that I will no longer stray from anymore! I have tried so many products since joining here and I probably will continue to but these suckers aren't going anywhere. No more straying, I'm staying!:grin:

PS I want to try that UBH hair conditioner though!
Terax Crema Conditioner and Cream of Nature Shampoo. I've used these two products for years. I always use Terax to deep condition....though I have strayed to try new products now and again...but I always go back to it. It's the best for deep conditioning my hair.

Cream of Nature (green and white) is the best shampoo ever. I don't use it often any longer but I always have it on hand. I have a brand new bottle that I picked up just the other day just to have it in 'stock'...lol.
If I try a different shampoo, I always go back to my Roux Porosity Control Shampoo.

If I try a different relaxer, I always end of going back to my Profectiv relaxers.

I always try different conditioners, but one that always seems to be in the rotation is my cheapie - Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol.
Even though I have tried several shampoos, Creme of Nature Shampoo (green & white bottle) always remains in my shower.
I didn't mention this before but I wanted to add Aubrey Organics... Island Naturals?? Conditioner (Why am I forgetting the name now...lol). I use it as a pre-poo overnight most times. I used it last evening to do my hair and my hair is beautiful today. I'll add pics to my fotki if I can today ..but again we are in the middle of a move so I may not get around to that until much later today after the movers have left....

This conditioner is great is you use it as a pre-poo/overnight treatment. It gives your hair that bounce and swang! I also like the spicy smell. It's a keeper in my regimen. I use it every 2 weeks or so. I usually use Aveda Sap Moss Concentrate for this purpose.