What is the LONGEST your hair has EVER been???

The back layers of my hair were right at bra strap last December, and that was the longest my hair has ever been and it was thanks to this board. Since then, I've decided to transition out of my relaxer so I've been trimming gradually and I've also had some unavoidable breakage. I'm about 3 inches above brastrap now. Before hair boards, my hair never got more than a few inches past my shoulders, and it's always been very thick.
My hair was natural and about an inch past my shoulders. It was brastrap length when it was pressed. I achieved this length eight years ago after wearing braids nonstop for about two years.
Where it is now is the longest it has ever been.
As a child my hair was thick and healthy but it never touched my shoulders. Now its below brastrap. Just shows what a little care can achieve!
When I was young my hair was about brastrap but when I started taking care of it myself it was usually just past shoulder length.
Bra Strap until 6th grade when it magically went to shoulder length. Now i'm almost chin length and its not as thick.
Barely grazing my shoulders...I hope to surpass that by leaps and bound to bra-strap...pleassseee
Elbow length my senior year of high school. I'd transitioned for 2 years from a curl (yick) by just moisturizing and keeping my hair in buns or flat twists. I got it relaxed and was elbow length- between the relaxer and daily hot curler use it broke off to my shoulders within a couple of months though
Bra strap length between the ages of 8-12 (I even wore a bra back then) I had a scary curl then.
I still can't figure out why my mom let me have one when I had curly hair to begin with? I guess it was easier to let me ruin my hair than it was to argue with a manipulative child who was determined to get her own way. Once the curl came out so did all my long hair. Since then the longest it's been is about two inches or so below my shoulders.
For me, it was midback length as well. I have a question though, how it is that your hair can break off from waist/tail bone length to chin length from a relaxer application? What the heck were you doing to your hair? Was relaxer was it? Rio?
Actually, I just reached my "longest ever" length about a month ago. So now I'm sailing on unfamiliar waters... It's an exciting journey.
The longest length my hair has ever been was tailbone length, but with scraggly, dry, discolored, weathered ends.

Because of this board, I was able to get to thick, full healthy waist length ends.

My grandmothers had hair they could sit on. I would love to have hair that I could sit on. That would be tailbone length hair + 4 inches for me to get there.

My current ‘break point’, also known as hair growth plateau, is 4 inches passed my waist. I have never been able to grow it to and keep it at that length thick and healthy.

With clay washes, and the disappearance of my Velcro ends in 2023, I may have a chance in 2024 to have tailbone + 4 inches and be able to keep that length!