What is a No-Base Relaxer?


Star Shooter
Hello ladies,

I'm fairly new to the LHCF and I just love it here. :yay:
I'm a relaxed 4a/3c. I've been using the same relaxer (DNL No-Lye) for years now. After the past few relaxer treatments I've done with this product, my hair has not taken well to it. I was thinking of switching to a lye perm. And in doing a search I came across a "No-Base relaxer?" I was wondering if any of you ladies knew:

1)What this is and if it is better/worse then a regular relaxer?

2)What brands you ladies recommend for a no-base relaxer and a lye relaxer?

Thanks you so much ladies for your time and input. :kiss:
No Base relaxers are relaxers whose main ingredient is Sodium Hydroxide = Lye. The only ones I know that call themselves "no base relaxers" are the ones that can be bought in a regular BSS, not professional relaxers.

1. There's no difference between this and a regular (lye) relaxer.
2. I can't recommend any lye relaxers that can be bought at a BSS, because I use a professional relaxer. I can tell you which one not to try. MOTIONS. Don't do it girl, that's the only no-base BSS relaxer I've ever tried and I hated it. As for professional lye relaxers.. Nu Expressions Regular Lye and Design Essentials Mild Lye are both really good relaxers.