What I ordered?


New Member
I know...I know....I'm supposed to be a recovering product junkie and not jumping on every bandwagon that comes along ...BUUUUT after much careful and considered thought, I decided to order some elucence products and a couple of things from Carol's Daughter.

This is what I have ordered:

MB shampoo
mb conditioner
deep treatment
shine spray
silk treatment

Carol's Daughter
and the two products that Jada attributes her long hair to

I have yet to receive these things, but I wanted to confess to falling off the wagon so to speak before it got out of hand.
hehehe, well I hope they work well for you. There isn't nothing worse than a recovering PJ finally giving in and purchasing products and come to find out that your hair hates them... :confused:
Wow...thats serious PJism...LOL!

But great products...Elucence MB, Carols Daughter HHB and Mimosa Hair Honey are almost staples for me....

I know when I BC...Imma have a hair product splurge like that...already planning it into my budget....

but for now...I gotta stay away...I just recovered from my LHCF Newbie PJism...so I am clean for now :lol:
Mizani Mrs...I know what you mean. :) I guess my rationale was that if they don't work for me, then I can always use them on my two-year old daughter's hair.

..look away from the light..don't go into the light...LOL you are too funny, I hope that I have as much success with these products as you have.
