What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET!?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to help one of my Adopt a lil sis's.
Her hair is so dry that it's coming out (breakage, not shedding) while wet and it feels rough (even when wet). Any ideas for solutions or possible causes? I've yet to encounter hair that feels dry/rough even when wet.
My first thought when I heard breakage was protein, but since it feels dry I don't want to recommend protein which can be drying. Perhaps her hair is in need of protein and moisture or just moisture?
What do you guys think and what do you recommend for mega moisture?

Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Is she natural, relaxed or texlaxed?
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Is she natural, relaxed or texlaxed?

Ooops, I'm sorry. She's relaxed, but of course help is welcome from anyone (relaxed, natural, home recipies, store products, etc.) :)
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

it does sound like protein overload, i will suggest moisture , moisture, moisture deep conditioning twice a week over the next 3wks.
then may be a mild protein treatment once a week and once in 2 weeks, along side of deep moisturisation.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

what has she been using recently? besides moisture, she might need to clarify.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

I know i would def. just give it lots & lots of moisture at least for a month or so

I would
-Clarify first incase her hair has buildup thats preventing moisture
-Deepconditon & steam 1-2x a week to get moisture back up
-Moisturize with something really good 2x daily
-Porosity treatments--maybe that will help with the roughness of the hair because of the ph
-Moisturizing shampoo's only

If i gave it any protein it would be something really really light and non-drying once every week or two
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

I agree with the posters before me.
She sounds like she has an protein overload but I would encourage her to do an strand test first.
I would suggest clarifying and then DC with a moisturizing condi like Humectress,Humecto...
After that I would do co-washes with a moisturizing condi all the while doing strand tests to ensure the moisture/protein balance isn't thrown off:yep:
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Co-signing with others that could be either protein overload or hair is overprocessed, or worse both!. In either event, moisture all the way for next couple of weeks at least, and if possible, put into a protective style and give a "rest" from daily manipulation.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

my hair sometimes feels dry when wet after i shampoo. some shampoos leave my hair feeling very strippied, its the worst feeling! does she deep condition at all and what type of shampoo and condish is she using.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Her hair is in desperate need of moisture.

Clarify: a very diluted mixture of a little shampoo and a little baking soda (shampoo the hair only once each time the hair is washed and focus on the scalp). Pre poo treatments can also be used to help the hair.

Deep condition: 2x weekly or overnight 1x week (suggest spiking the conditoner(s) with humectants and products such as honey, castor oil, molasses, coconuts oil, and EVOO).

ACV rinse: Someone posted this method and I've tried it and it words very well -after the final rinse, towel dry and pour diluted ACV over hair, cover the hair with a plastic cap for 5 minutes, and then rinse out). The poster said it help with her porosity; it makes my hair shiny and feels good.

Daily upkeep: Protective styles, daily moisturizing (CW washes, applying moisturizer before bed, etc.), and satin scarfs or pillows.

Doing all this, within a few weeks (or sooner) she should see great improvements. :yep:

Also, suggest waiting before hair has improved before cutting or trimming.
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Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

It sounds like protein overload.

Have her try a pre poo with a creamy conditioner, diluted shampoo and just deep conditioning with moisturizing conditioners. I would recommend Aubrey organics honeysuckle and rose or the white camellia conditioner. These work well as pre-poos too. She could also try silk elements cholesterol.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Maybe she is possibly washing her hair too many times during her wash cycle in attempt to get it clean. Some might think that hair has to squeak to be clean but that usually means all the oils have been stripped out of the hair.

I used to wash 3x's and my hair was so dry like you described. I cut back to only one wash with moisturizing shampoo and then proceeded to deep conditioning and that helped a lot.

She might also need to use a light grease of some sort to seal her hair after washing and conditioning. I know a lot are against this, but it's an old school remedy that could help when all else fails.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

I think her hair has been unevenly processed leading to a rough feeling. I would give plenty of moisture treatments and rollersets.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Also, it could be her water. A shower filter can really improve the feel and condition of the hair.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

Also, it could be her water. A shower filter can really improve the feel and condition of the hair.

I agree. :yep: It could as be a porosity problem. Roux Porosity Control will help with that. Pre-poos and diluted poo help too.
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Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

I think her hair has been unevenly processed leading to a rough feeling. I would give plenty of moisture treatments and rollersets.

my guess too... My hair used to feel like this when i had texlaxed/ underprocessed hair mixed in with properly processed hair. I ended up cutting mine because i couldnt deal with it.
Re: What could be the cause and solution for hair that's so dry it's crunchy when WET

my hair sometimes feels dry when wet after i shampoo. some shampoos leave my hair feeling very strippied, its the worst feeling! does she deep condition at all and what type of shampoo and condish is she using.

oh yea, that could be a problem too, the wrong shampoo

All sauve and vo5 shampoos leave my hair feeling like that