Weave Wearers...How Do You....


Well-Known Member
i'm sick of buns and ponys (again!) and i really want to get a weave. my question is, if the hair at the hairline/root is curlier than your weave hair, how do you work that? how do you blend the lines so it doesn't appear like the 2 different heads of hair it is??

on top of that, i workout often, so my hairline gets that sweaty, very curly look to it. most of my hair is a 3b, maybe some 3a and definitely 3c (on the sides near ears) but the hairline...i don't know what it is.

i want to know if a weave will help me thru the next few months when i'm working out almost 2-3hrs a day, sweating at my hairline...can i wear a weave and still look presentable? or am i doomed to be stuck in buns and ponys?
I cover all my hair so I don't have to deal with blending. The hair usually falls over my hairline with some type of bang so you can't see my edges. Like the picture in my siggy is a full weave. You can't see my edges at all.