Weave Hair Recommendations-Natural Curly Look


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies, I am looking for some recommendations on some hair to achieve look like this:


I am trying to go for a natural curly look. This particular hair didn't get good reviews so I am in need of some recommendations. If anyone has a hair brand/style that they could share with me I would appreciate it. Also what is the best type of hair to use? Human or synthetic? Thanks.
I think that any hair that you are going to get is going to take some work. It generally needs to be finger combed, spritzed, pulled apart, teased, etc. I don't think any hair comes directly out of the package looking like it's styled on the model. But, that being said, don't buy hair from hairsisters if you can help it. I haven't seen good reviews of them on the board.
How often do you plan on washing? I used some cheap bss hair and acheived that look. Just not quite as long. You might have to get a longer length. I used Glance Model Model Diva Flow (Synthetic) for one weave (It was blonde and black) and DreamWeaver Water Wave 8" (Human) which was black with a red color on the tips. I didn't do anything to style it once I was done except clip some of the longer pieces that were hanging so it would look more even. I didn't wash it as often as I usually wash my human hair weaves though. I was afraid it was going to tangle and mat. Most BSS curly/wavy hair will get tangled and matted after about the 3rd wash or so. Then it looks like crap. I believe hairsisters sells both of those but you should be able to find them at your local bss. The diva flow was 9.99 a pack and the water wave was 12.99. I used two packs.