Washing Your Hair The Day Before A Relaxer


New Member
has anyone ever done this? i am assuming that if you base your scalp with something like vaseline then there will be no problems.
I almost hate to admit this but I have done it once (or maybe twice:cool: ). I know Im supposed to wait at least 48 hours but I was just too impatient at the time. I just based my scalp really well and didnt have any problems.
I made the mistake of doing this once, and will never do it again. :nono: :nono: It was way too much manipulation for my scalp and the relaxer burned like crazy, even though I'd based it with petroleum jelly. Huuuuuugge no-no for me.
I do this most of the time. I'll wash it and wait about 24hrs to relax. But the key for me is to do a gentle wash. I don't get burns or soreness from this. But if you have a sensitive scalp i wouldn't recommend it.
I did this one time and one time only! It hurt like hell and what made it worse was the stylist left the room so I was in pain until she came back.
I tried this once...and yeah.,.. I burned a lot sooner than normal. I would wait at least 2-3 days. (3 is the fewest # of days that I have personally waited)
I remember doing this when I was younger (about 12). I washed my hair the night before getting a relaxer and when she put in the relaxer it was BURN CITY. She ended up having to do one half of my hair, rinsing it out, then do the other side.

Let's just say that I never did that again!
I've tried this once and I wouldn't recommend...My scalp was on fire once the relaxer was applied...It didn't took long for my scalp to burn even though she based it...I would suggest waiting at least 48 hrs...to be on the safe side...JMHO:)
When I was relaxing I did this once and NEVE again. I washed 2 days before the relaxer and when she put it in I went nuts. Yes she based my scalp but it didnt help. I usually dont burn so that was a sure sign for me that washing before relaxing was a nono.
I have done this in the past, not a day before, but 2 or 3 days before and NEVER again. My poor little noggin was a-blazin!
I used to have a 48 hour rule, now I wait at least 72 hours and I never burn. I wouldn't recommend it....but it seems some can get away with it.
I did this once. Not to mention that I had taken out braids that same day. It's a miracle all my hair didn't fall out. Annnnnyway, if you choose to do this, I would recommend that you not really wash your scalp. Just try to wash the hair and not touch or scratch your scalp. That being said...I really wouldn't recommend it. You'll be miserable, I promise.
I even have to stop working out 2-3 days before a relxer. Something about open pores... I worked out once the day before and left with scabs from the salon the next day. I shudder at the thought of washing before a relaxer.
The key is to avoid putting relaxer on your scalp. I wouldn't recommend that u do it, but if u must, please do a CW instead and be very gentle.
I've done this once and will never do it again! My scalp was on fire, even though I basted it with vasaline. Never again!
jadedcynicism said:
did you use vaseline?

I used some brand of petroleum jelly to base my scalp. If need ever arises or I feel like it, I will most likely do it again:cool: .
But my scalp has always been "tough" and doesnt burn easily.
I've done this several times. I make sure to base my scalp really well with pro-styl pre creme for sensitive scalp and i used Elasta qp sensitive scalp relaxer. Even though my scalp is very sensitive , It didn't burn at all!
jadedcynicism said:
has anyone ever done this? i am assuming that if you base your scalp with something like vaseline then there will be no problems.

This is not a good idea in my opinion....you're more likely to get burns especially if you tend to really scrub your scalp when washing your hair....If I wash, I wait at least 48 hours before the touch-up because I have washed a day before in the past as I had a lot of gel in my hair and the hair was stuck down and I got a few burns.

Also it's not a good idea to itch or scratch or wear the hair to tight a day before your touch-up.
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