Washing hair after a relaxer


New Member
How long should u wait to wash your hair, after getting a relaxer. I got a relaxer friday, and is itching to wash my hair. Idk why. I just like conditioning my hair. It make me feel a lot better about my hair. tia:grin:
I have washed my hair 2 or 3 days after getting a relaxer never had a problem.
For my last relaxer I washed the next day because I was anxious to try henna...it worked out great! Normally I would wait 3-5 days
I think 3 Days is long enough.. I think the last time i relaxed I washed in the next 2 days and I didnt have any problems..
I try to wash 5 days after a relaxer but I generally wash 3. My hair feels yucky after a relaxer but it couldve just been my stylist at the time. Now I am going to try out the self relax thing.

and to ^^ my hair does a whole 180 after that first wash. So I might as well say it reverts.
What problems would yall have? Its not like its gonna revert.

Its a chemical relaxer.


And to get technical, your hair is washed right after you rinse out the relaxer so I don't see the problem with washing again right when you get home if you want to (unless you're trying not to mess up the style).
I usually do my regular protein treatment the day after getting a relaxer. I also shampoo using my Motions neutralizing poo for good measure. I've never cared about keeping the "just relaxed" look. I just care about the health of my hair.
I wash the next day if the hair got hard to comb, Is not a problem to do that. I used to wait if i had burns or something in the scalp, just not to make it worst. But there's no problem washing your hair the day after if you want to.
I've washed my hair the same day if i didn't like the "gunk" the beautician put in my hair...i had no problems at all, hair actually felt better than when i left the salon.
Not trying to start anything but why does it seem like everytime relax heads make posts in this forum that those who are natural make comments as if their posts/questions are stupid, you know what I mean or is it just me..........anyway I can understand why you asked that question because some feel they will lose that fresh look when you first get your hair done, I too just relaxed my hair after about 3 1/2 months and I cant wait to wash my hair again and was wondering the same thing, great post :look:
I always wait at least a week. I try to be very low on the manipulation tip.:yep:

So, I wait about a week, wash, DC and do a Protein Treatment.:yep:
Not trying to start anything but why does it seem like everytime relax heads make posts in this forum that those who are natural make comments as if their posts/questions are stupid, you know what I mean or is it just me..........anyway I can understand why you asked that question because some feel they will lose that fresh look when you first get your hair done, I too just relaxed my hair after about 3 1/2 months and I cant wait to wash my hair again and was wondering the same thing, great post :look:

I'm the only natural who posted in here and I'm not seeing where I made a comment that implied the original post was stupid. I just agreed with someone else (a relaxed head) and added my two cents.
I usually get touch-ups in the salon, so for me waiting has more to do while style. But if for whatever reason I wanted to wash that same day, or the next day...I would. Any particular reason folks are waiting a few days?
when i used to get relaxers, i wouldn't wash my hair until 2 weeks afterward. i know. it was because i liked the sleek, fresh out of the salon look, and i could never recreate it after i washed! and of course the lady wouldn't tell me what products she used. :whatever:
off topic, but I cant resist!
that cake in your siggy looks delightful.. I need that recipe!!

I know, OMG I was thinking the same thing. That cake made my mouth water, and I am not a fan of cakes.

OK - we now continue with the OP question . . .:lachen:

I wash about a week later. Any sooner and my hair seems very dry.
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