Wannabelong's 2 Year Progress Pics

WOW! WOW! WOW!:grin: Absolutely Beautiful. What Tremendous Progress.

Healthy. Shiny. Amazing. In only 2 years time! How Beautifully Inspirational.

I Truly Applaud Your Efforts. :bouncy:

I Really Needed that Today. Both the Encouragement and the Motivation.

WannaBeLong Thanks Again.

Couldn't have said it better myself :) your hair is absolutely fabulous!
Awesome! You grew your hair to almost BSL from a Halle Berry pixie cut in two years!!(which looked very cute as well, btw). That's about 100% length retention. Good job!
Amazing progress- wannabelong!! I am sooooooooo happy for you. Awesome growing, and even better retaining. You look like you retained ever cm.