Using Daily Moisturizer As A Leave-in While Styling


New Member
Would you use your daily moisturizer as a leave-in while styling (roller-setting, wrapping, braiding-out) your hair?

Why or why not?

Also, what is your daily moisturizer?
I think it depends on your hair type and the kind of moisturizer you use.
My moisturizers tend to be homemade (a bit of Shea butter, aloe vera gel, some coconut oil. I like buttery/oily moisturizers that have a creamy consistency). Right now, I'm trying to use up a stash so I'm using CDs Hair Milk as an "as needed" moisturizer (ends up being about every other day).
I have dense, fine, normal porosity, 4B hair and moisturizers generally don't work as stylers or leave-ins for me. I'd consider a product for rollersets/twistouts/braidouts stylers. Moisturizers generally won't set my hair and my hair feels too naked without a leave-in underneath a moisturizer. But I could see a moisturizer working as a leave-in for others.
I'm more likely to use stylers and leave-ins interchangeably though.
The SM line is multipurpose for me. Their moisturizers could be effective leave-ins. A moisturizer with aloe vera/glycerin/honey/nut butter or some combination of these is likelier to work as a leave-in on my hair.

via LHCF App
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Yes, I had used shea moisture curl and style milk before i got my komaza coconut milk leave in, it was no problem, as long as I moisturize and seal its fine
vtoodler, yes -- I use moisturizers as LIs and daily moisturizers with no negative impacts. I use a variety of moisturizers - Bee Mine hair milk & luscious and Aubrey Organics conditioner (WC) to name a few.