Using a PIN to detangle knots

Carrie A

Well-Known Member
I started a thread a while back about my matted hair fiasco (I'm natural). I don't think I mentioned that I ended up using a small safety pin to work out many of the knots. Now IDK about single strand but this works for those tight multi-strand knotted areas. Sometimes you get to a point where you're sure you will have to cut the knot out. I say when all else fails give this a try. Using a little castor oil, stick the pin/needle through the center of the knot. There may be a little lint or shed hair that is glued together. Work the needle around until the hair separates.

I'm still trying to prevent these bad boys now that my hair is longer but in the meantime this has worked for me. *The needle did not cut the hair.
Thanks. This is good to know. I wish i'd known before i detangled last week after i hennaed. I was 16 weeks post and my hair was so matted.
Thanks. Do you have any reccomendations on how to get rid of the single strand knots? I just cut them off.
I've done this as well especially after taking down braids... Conditioner and a safety pin worked for me. As for single strand knots, I've just cut those off...
I recently used a needle to help my sister with her single strand knot, it works really well.
I will RIP off an earring in a heartbeat to remove a knot and hold up the whole process until that baby is OUT!
wow thats a good idea; you have a lot of patience. i'd rather just rip it out. that usually what i do. i just hate doing my hair right now.