Updated Fotki - Dec 2008 Progress Pics


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies~

I just created this thread to let you know that my Fotki has been updated with my December 2008 updates. I still have yet to figure out how to post pics in the thread.:look:

I am happy with my progess this last 12 weeks I went with a weekly rollersetting regimen and I wore my hair out a couple days out of the week and I still got progress and my ends are not split. :yep:

Your progress is fantastic. Taking progress pictures is such a great method of positive reinforcement.
Thanks Ladies~ I didn't realize the progress till I saw the pictures.

Since it's winter my hair is pretty much always straight at the roots so I didn't have much of a wow factor until I saw the pictures. I am so glad I have a fotki for that reason. You really see your progress with pictures.:yep:
You are so right Marie~

Since using heat I loose so much less hair and I get less breakage and shedding because I'm not manipulating and detangling my hair so much as I was with the daily co-washing. I use heat once a week. Rollersetting has done WONDERS for my hair :yep:

I've also added Indian Oils to my regimen this 12 weeks. I do nightly scalp massages with Vatika and Mahabringraj oil. My hair is noticably thicker since using them. And I've very strict with taking my vitamins GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, GNC Ultra Mega Womens, Biotin 5000 mcg.
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Great progress! How did you get so much growth in such a short time? what's your regimen?


My Regimen

Pre shampoo (i don't like the word prepoo *shudder* :look:) with Amla and vatika coconut oil.
Shampoo hair
Deep Condition with Silicon Mix and regular coconut oil
Add Lacio Lacio leave in
Fantasia IC Heat Protectant
Rollerset hair

I pincurl at night to keep the curly look or wrap my hair for a straighter look. I moisturize with ORS Moisturizer and seal with Vatika Coconut oil.

I have been wearing my hair out on the weekends and Monday - Tuesday then I pin up the rest of the week. But either way I make sure my hair is properly moisturized and sealed and I don't use heat more than wash day.

I do nightly scalp massages with Vatika Coconut and Mahabringraja Oil and I take my vitamins faithfully every day before bed. I take GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, GNC Ultra Mega Women, Biotin 5000 mcg.
Thanks so much for your comments~ I could not have done it without the advice and encouragement of you ladies here on LHCF. Consistency and patience I have learned is the key.