
New Member
I want to thank all of you for your prayers...

As you know Karla had 16 weeks of chemo to shrink her tumor and it shrank down ...
They did the surgery on her this week and they discovered that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes and had spread in her breast...

That is all the info I have at this time... She lives out of state and her mothers updates me when she gets info on her...

Please continue with your prayers, she is 35 yrs old with 3 children. and a husband...

I know we can pray this cancer out of her...

Please continue your prayers for her...
I will keep you posted on her recovery, as I learn of it....

We really appreciate all your prayers...

Thank you so much...

breast cancer weaves it's way into so many lives
what stage is it 2 or 3a?

I have had 6 people in my life effected by it
5 of them beat it
2 had their breasts removed and implants put in
all five had surgery of some sorts

I will keep her and your whole family in prayer
Be encouraged
Thank you....

I don't know the stage yet...
I do know that it reached the first nodes and they are going to test the others so they will know what treatment to give her...

They removed her right breast...
So I am waiting for a update to see what the next step will be...

Please continue to pray and I will up date as I receive the info...

My family and I thank you very much....