Ultimate massage challenge!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I am a advocate of morining and night massages. It has contributed to 1 inch a month hair growth since doing the big chop in August.
Who would like to take the challenge.
Massaging scalp morning and night for about five minutes.
Oil of choice or none.
My potent massage oils of choice are:

5 drops Rosemary
3 drops Cedarwood (Red)
2 drops Lavender
2 drops clary sage (optional)
1 drop of peppermint (optional)
1 oz Jojoba
1 oz Avocado (or grapeseed oil)
1 TBS Emu oil
Lets's try this for 4 months and report any change or none.
Who's on board?
I'm in! No oils for now, but by the 2 or 3 month mark, I should have rosemary, lavendar, and peppermint with coconut as a carrier.
I am in too! I have been massaging for a while now, but usually not with oils like those, but just with whatever products I apply to my scalp. I have been really massaging for the past few days, so hopefully this will definitely become a habit.
I'm in, but without the oils for now.
yes im in. ive always massaged...does it still count? I can still be in? my own oils...medicated by LML a.m. b4 washing. a.m. scalp and hands p.m. head and foot reflexology. oh and I head over bed after dinner too. thx all.
I'm in this will be fun, b/c I just got a massaging brush one side has a nubbed surface that I'd rather use to apply on the head with oil combo jojoba/avocado/aloe
Okay ladies,

I say we start at the end of this month to give each other a chance to get oils if we need.
We monitor our hair for 4 months and post results.
I will join this challenge, since I've recently started daily massages. I will use Weleda's Rosemary Hair Oil for my hairline. Otherwise, no oil will accompany my daily massages. One massage per day for 10-15 minutes.
Count me in, I started massaging my scalp once a day w/out oils about 3 weeks ago, I guess I can do twice a day.
Okay I'm in.

1. How long do you massage?
2. Any techniques?
3. Posting at the same time thanks for the massage info