Two strand twists


New Member
Hey Ladies,

Can someone please give me some advice on two strand twists. I've done them over the last week. However, my ends are frizzy. I know that its partially because my ends are damaged. I'm working on trusting someone enough to cut only my ends, but until then, I need expertise of you wonderful ladies.

I used ORS lock n twist gel for my two-strand twists (on freshly washed and conditioned hair.) Make sure that you saturate each section of hair with the gel and twist all the way to the end.
I made Kimmaytube's leave in conditioner and it has transformed my ends! They used to flay out like trees and I was so tempted to trim them (I already did with the pixie knots) but it turns out the cuticles were lifted. This TOTALLY made them lay flat!
Are you natural or relaxed? If you're natural and of type 4, then wetting them does make them shrink back and coil. Sometimes the ends my separate into two "legs":

...but pressing them together and rubbing them between fingers, would give neat ends, especially if wet:

And usually they will hold even after several washes...sometimes stretching a bit from drip-drying, but I don't think that's a bad thing because they still are not fanning out and looking wide and frizzy:

If your hair is relaxed or less kinky, I think putting curlers at the ends can help tidy them up a bit. Of course regular dusting wouldn't hurt either.
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