Transitioning/naturals- CHI Silk Infusion question


Well-Known Member
Those of you who use CHI Silk Infusion, do you use it on wet hair or AFTER you've flat ironed? I ask because a stylist told me to use my serum AFTER I flat iron to seal in the results. I had been using serum on wet hair (per instructions) and wondered how you guys are doing it.

Note- I do understand about heat protection and all, I just want to know how you are using the silk infusion or any other serum on transtioning/stretched/natural hair.

I'm not transitioning, but I used it on my 6 month stretch. Per the instructions, it makes sense to use it on damp hair in sections before you straighten - the serum seals the hair to protect it, and keep it from expanding - which is what keeps your hair from being poofy in the first place. I think it would be less effective if used after - it would still have an effect, but I think the effects are maximized by using it before hand.

Once I flat iron I might take a tiiiiiiiiiiiny tiiiiiiiiiiiny bit, rub it between my palms and smooth it over my ends for a more finished look.
Keep using it the way you have been. I don't know what your stylist was talking about.

You can use it for finishing also, but definately before flat ironing.