
Well-Known Member
I was reading People and saw this thing on Matthew McConaughey and his thinning hair. I never knew he had thinning hair but I guess I never really paid much mind. A lot of guys in the industry get thinning hair as they age and they used Bruce Willis and Matt Lauer as examples of those who just shaved to combat it. Well Matthew used a nonprescription treatment on his thinning hair and he says that his hair shafts had grown in thicker and stronger. I think that is wonderful for him. They showed a pic of him in 2000 and one of him now 2003 and you can see the difference. I think things like Propecia and Rogaine are great for people who have hair loss and thinning hair. We also have our own little ways to combat breakage and increase growth. I am wondering what is in Rogaine to make it work? Could it be something we all are already using? No I dont plan to use Rogaine because I do not have thinning hair, just curious as to why this product works as opposed to supplements like biotin. just curious. God bless you all.
Hi azul,

I believe it's the minoxidil in rogaine that causes the growth. If I'm wrong, someone correct me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yes I believe minoxidil is the active ingredient in Rogaine. My mom (who is in her late 60's) used it to combat thinning hair, I believe she used the woman's brand of the product. She said she had to use it faithfully for 1 year to see results, but it worked. My hair stylist advised that if one uses it, the use must be consistent or else Rogaine can actually make your hair fall out.