(!!!) Things God HATES (!!!)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
1. Violent people.....Proverbs 3:32

2. Haughtiness, lying, murdering, plotting evil, eagerness to do wrong, a false witness, sowing discord among brothers.....Proverbs 6:16-19

3. Those who don't keep their promises.....Proverbs 12:22

4. The gifts and deeds of the wicked.....Proverbs 15:8-9

6. The thoughts of the wicked.....Proverbs 15:26

7. Pride.....Proverbs 16:5

8. Those who say bad is good and good is bad.....Proverns 17:15
To some all those things up in a nutshell God hates sin, which (like you listed) comes in many forms. What we need to know as His children is that does not mean God hates us when we sin. All have fallen short of the glory :yep:. Just like when an earthly father/mother hates when their child is disobedient or does something wrong against them, THEY STILL LOVE THAT CHILD!
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aquarian1252004 said:
To some all those things up in a nutshell God hates sin, which (like you listed) comes in many forms. What we need to know as His children is that does not mean God hates us when we sin. All have fallen short of the glory :yep:. Just like when an earthly father/mother hates when their child is disobedient or does something wrong against them, THEY STILL LOVE THAT CHILD!
So true! :clap: