
Hello Everyone,
How long did you wait before doing the big chop? It has been over 6 months since I had my last relaxer and the 2 textures are driving me NUTS. I have been thinking ALOT about just doing the BC and maybe getting braids immediately after or something. Any suggestions?
If you believe you're ready, go for it! I BC'd after transitioning for 7 months and 3 weeks and it was the best thing I've ever done for me and my hair. I love having short hair and it soo much easier to deal w/my hair w/o the relaxed ends. It also gives me an opportunity to get to know my hair and what it likes/dislikes. Good luck w/whatever you decide!
I could only make it about 4 or 5 months because my hair was breaking off at the demecration(sp?) line. If i would have found this board sooner i would have did a long transistion. But i say if your ready go for it.
I transitioned for....about a month I think LOL! I think it's best to do it when YOU feel like you're ready. Transitioning is an emotional journey, I'm sure...but to suddenly be "bald-headed" is a biggun too. I've got what I THINK is a TWA now lol, but these *nicer expletive that still gets censored here :)* still try to snarl and whatnot about my hair. I just toss my non-swingin' hair and keep steppin'. :giggle: But I've gone and got off track lol. If you feel like it's what you want to do, then go ahead!! Best of luck to you. I look forward to seeing the pics whenever you do. :)
Hey girl, I know how you're feelin! I'm 5 months post in my transition today, and I'm actually thinking of BCing tonite! I am tired of dealing with my two textures of natural and texturized, and the poofiness and frizziness and ready to just get back to simple!

My back-up plan is actually the same as yours...if I absolutely hate it I will put in braids! but I've been natural twice before, just never this short (last time I cut 9 months post), so hopefully I will love it this short :grin:

Anyway, good luck to you in what you decide. I think the chop and braids plan sounds great! Who knows...maybe after you chop you will love your hair and just rock it like that!
I'm planning a long transition with braids, no BC, just trimming every few months. My braids are a life saver. I'm 60 weeks in and it hasn't been too bad so far.

ETA: If you feel you're ready, go for it. might be a bit of a shock but you'll get used to it. And even if you don't like a TWA, there are many styling options available.
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I initially was going to be a long term transitioner. After about 3 months and two weeks I bc'd. I couldn't take the the two textures anymore. So I just took a pair of scissors to it. I say do what you are comfortable with doing. Going from long hair to short hair can can be very shocking. Especially if you have had long hair most of your life. It didn't bother me because I rocked relaxed super short hair cuts alot through high school. Whatever you decide to do good luck. :)
I am here to say good luck what ever you choose and I am proud of you for breaking the ties with the creamy crack!!! you go girl!!!!!:grin:
I only transitioned for 4 months. I had short hair already so it wasn't really a big deal, I was tired of the reversion/blending battle. I did it myself too:grin:.

Whatever you decide, goodluck!
OP, I know how you feel because the whole transition period just felt like torture to me. I waited 10 months because I didn't want super short hair. I really wanted to wait a year, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I knew that if I had 1/2 inch of growth a month I should've had at least 5 inches of hair so I figured that would be ok.

Only you will know when its the right time to cut it. Trust me when the time is right you'll just know.
I had plan on doin the BC after 9 months post, but I couldn't wait that long and ended up BCing after being 4 months post. Partly beacause I was excited to see what my natural hair was like and also because I was tired of my relaxed ends.Once I cut off my hair I wasnt shocked at having short hair because I had had short hair before. I wasn't prepared to walk into work with twa though(some of the non black folks were in shock when I got kinky twist *rollin my eyes* I swear they act like they never saw a black girl with exstensions before) so I've been twistin my hair and wearing a wig latley.

I'm glad I decided to bc at the time that I did, I'm loving my texture.

Whatever you decide to do Good luck :) you will def. Know when the time is right.
I tried to wait a full 2 years. I almost made it. I chopped after 22 months because i wanted length. My first BC i chopped after only 6 months and was super happy with the results then too... Good luck with whatever you decide!
I transitioned for 4 months also, just like BrownEyez22 and brebre928. I have to give props to the long-term and terminal transitioners. I just couldn't do it.

I'm sure whatever you decide, you will look great! good luck!
i am still transitioning - 16 months post. i am shallow and want long hair before i chop lol. i see it happening next summer though. i should be BSL natural then or very close
We started transitioning around the same time! :)

This is my third time transitioning, the first time I did mini chops the whole time, so by the time I BC'd at 13 months there really wasn't much to cut.

My second time I BC'd at 9 months, I had about 4-5 inches of hair that I had no idea what to do with it, so it was slightly traumatic lol... and I ended up braiding it for a month or 2 until I felt a little more comfortable with the length.

Right now its just starting to get tough, especially since this time I started with a short cut (inverted bob). So parts of my hair are almost natural already, especially near the nape. Im not ready to let go of the length yet, I'd like to have a decent puff or ponytail first.
I transitioned for a year, and looking back I would have loved to wait longer, but I couldn't take those anorexic looking ends anymore! I was soooo happy immediately afterwards; I WNG'd all summer and didn't look back.
I BC'd after 7 months. I'm not a braids/wig/weave wearer, and like most others, I got tired of the two textures. I was also so excited to see my natural hair that I couldn't wait any longer. That said, if you were going to BC and go into braids, you may consider just going into braids now to help with transitioning. If you're concerned about length I'd try that. I've worn my hair anywhere from 1-18 inches, so I rocked the h*ll out of my short cut! Good luck with your decision either way!!
I cut at 7 months. Initially wanted to wait a year before to have some length but it's been over a year now (including the transition time) and if I did wait I still wouldn't be satisfied with the length I am now lol So I just say cut it when you feel you're ready because you might be expecting a certain amount of growth or some high expectations of what you would be able to do at the year mark when in reality you don't know what it will be until you chop.
I transitioned for 3 months. I've always been impulsive with my hair. It has grown out like crazy. I thought my hair grew fast but dang. Since I cut that relaxer out.....I can't keep up with the hair growth. Good luck on your decision.
I never BC'd, just gradually trimmed my relaxed hair. Last relaxer was 3 years ago and I am completely natural. I just couldn't do the TWA so did a lot of roller sets and phony ponies. I also trimmed often in the begining.
I understand your dilemma (sp?). I'm about 66wks post and want to BC but I haven't had short hair in like 8yrs ( I cut my damaged hair to a chin length bob). But my concern is health before length and my hair can't be healthy with the damaged relaxed ends hanging on for dear life.

Since this is both a physical and emotional transition I say cut when you feel you have completed both parts of your journey. HHG!!
Sweet, no one can help you make the decision at all. You'll do it when you are ready, there may be no real "this it it" day but in your mind you will have made the decision of the time without realizing it. Once you do it you will be very happy even if it takes a few days to realize it.
Hello Everyone,
Thank you SO MUCH for responding. I am still holding on, but not sure how much longer I can do it. I do feel I will be in shock if I just cut it, but I also feel that I will end up loving it when I no longer have the 2 textures. I also have to find someone to cut it for me, don't think I should do it myself. Good Luck Everyone!!
Only you will know when its the right time to BC......but I will say that it is the VERY best hair decision I have ever made! I LOVE my natural hair and should have done this a LONG time ago!!
CUT IT GIRL!!! Lol!! I was in your exact same position 2 days ago. It has been 6.5 months since my last relaxer (12/03/08). My relaxed ends were a stringy, terrible mess!! No matter how gentle I tried to be, they just kept breaking. I decided to BC yesterday and I am SO HAPPY I did! I feel so free and I don't even mind the short length. If you feel inclined, I say do it!!

More pics are in my fotki if you are interested. (Note: She ended up cutting off way more than she needed to so you will likely have more hair).
I swore I was going to be a long term transitioner...but four months into my transition, CHOP! I don't think I was as mentally prepared as I thought I was, so that would be my one piece of advice. I love my crazy hair, but it was a HUGE SHOCK and it will took some time to get used to your my new texture. Do what feels right for you, and only do it if you really feel that you are ready. Good luck!
I transitioned for 7 months (Sept '08- Apr '09). I couldn't stand the two textures any longer and figured I was doing more damage trying to keep my ng straight. I ended up doing the BC just before my braiding appt. and I loved it! I almost hated to get it braided. I only kept them in about a month before rocking my natural hair. It's been a slight challenge finding products that work for my hair, but thanks to LHCF, I'm getting it together.
I transitioned for 7 months (Sept '08- Apr '09). I couldn't stand the two textures any longer and figured I was doing more damage trying to keep my ng straight. I ended up doing the BC just before my braiding appt. and I loved it! I almost hated to get it braided. I only kept them in about a month before rocking my natural hair. It's been a slight challenge finding products that work for my hair, but thanks to LHCF, I'm getting it together.
I'm going for a long transition. Probably about 2.5 years...or until i reach mbl. I'm like about 56 weeks post at the moment and i'm in braids...constantly.
For me, it's length before being fully natural