Texturizer Tempation...please help


New Member
Hello ladies,
I need your help. I am newly natural as of 11/30/05. I love my natural hair and am learning something new about it daily. But the only complaint that I have is that I dont have much curl definition. I am tempted to texturize. I even went to the BSS today and bought the kit...but I have reservations. I almost feel like I'm cheating or I'm not "really natural" if I texturize. I do know that texturizing my hair is a chemical process, which i really didnt want to do....but i miss the ease of dealing with my hair. HELP!! For those out there who were natural, then texturized...any regrets???
Pros and Cons ??? List them here! I need help and soon.. I have not opened the box yet...but I am totally tempted!!
I regret that I texturize before really learning how to handle my natural texture. But be texturized does give me a lot of options like wash and gos to straight styling. THe cons about being texturized is that I style have to deal with tangles and when I stretch my relaxers I have to deal with 2 different textures. I believe that my natural hair grows so much faster than chemicals in my hair, but the cool thing about texturizers is that you can do a permanent color without too much worry because the texturizer doesn't completely break down the bonds of the hair like a relaxer.
I think you're too newly natural to really know your hair or how to manage it. I wouldn't recommend applying any chemicals until you've given yourself and your natural hair a chance to really get acquainted. I, too, was tempted to texturize about seven or eight months ago, but I was afraid I would ruin a good thing and end up with texturizer drama. I opted instead to try new styling methods and products to support my hair, and I'm glad I did.
tammiematthews said:
Thanks ladies,
I feel like i'm on a ledge about to jump....need more ladies to talk me down...bump!

Don't jump just yet! I'm sure more help is on the way!:lol:
I've noticed products that help natural hair, ones with curl enhancers like curve's butter creme or kinky-curly's curling custard are supposed to be really good. I know that when I do my super stretches Elasta's mango butter is my best friend! And I am a new devotee to Elucence shampoo and conditioners. Don't give up hope! I don't know if I should post you to a certain site that lists a shingling method for natural hair just yet...:grin:
I was natural then texturized. Texturized hair is relaxed, it's just underprocessed. I treat my texturized hair the same way I treated my fully relaxed hair.

I texturized to get wash and wear that I could rollerset. That's exactly what I got so I don't have any complaints. I do have a couple of suggestions tho.

(1) Try something temporary. There's a 7-day relaxer (I've never tried that one), curlaway (loved it).
(2) Do strand tests. I did three strand test before I found the right level of curl relaxation.
(3) Make sure your hair is healthy. Shoot for the healthiest you've ever seen it, before applying chemicals.
(4) No permanent color. Ok, I got my highlighted, but that was all. ;)
Alli7--thanks for the encouragement. I need all the help I can get. My hair is short right now and the shrinkage isnt helping. I guess that's why I feel like I want to texturize.
Well if you don't have a curl pattern now, a texturizer isn't going to create one. Texturizers only elogate the curl pattern you have.
I texturized twice before and I regreted it because my hair can't handle chemicals well.
Like mentioned I'd give it time- at least 6 months before you make your decision.
Alli77 said:
Don't jump just yet! I'm sure more help is on the way!:lol:
I've noticed products that help natural hair, ones with curl enhancers like curve's butter creme or kinky-curly's curling custard are supposed to be really good. I know that when I do my super stretches Elasta's mango butter is my best friend! And I am a new devotee to Elucence shampoo and conditioners. Don't give up hope! I don't know if I should post you to a certain site that lists a shingling method for natural hair just yet...:grin:

Ok, I've been stalking WalMart and Target for weeks looking for Elasta's Mango Butter. Where'd you get it Alli?
kristina said:
Well if you don't have a curl pattern now, a texturizer isn't going to create one. Texturizers only elogate the curl pattern you have.
I texturized twice before and I regreted it because my hair can't handle chemicals well.
Like mentioned I'd give it time- at least 6 months before you make your decision.

I agree... I would try some products first. What does your hair look like with Gel?
sareca said:
Ok, I've been stalking WalMart and Target for weeks looking for Elasta's Mango Butter. Where'd you get it Alli?

Only at my local BSS, never walmart. I travel between NYC and NJ and whenever I go to urban areas, the shelves are always stocked with these!
What were your reasons for going natural in the first place? During my transition I had to keep reminding myself of them for the first couple of months because I felt like giving in. You should really think about why you chose to go natural before you go back to chemicals so quickly. I feel you though, I just chopped, but going back to chemicals is not an option for me! I'm going to rock my nappy TWA w/ a big fat smile on my face!!

Also, I agree with Kristina, if you don't have curl definition to begin with, then texturizing isn't going to do much for your hair.
I think we all go through this anxiety thing when we chop all our hair off.
I wore braids for as long as I could until I bc'd. I planned for natural but wound up texturizing after 7 months. My texturizer process is very mild and my hair is still very close to what it looks like natural. (I can pick my hair out and have a fro.)
My edges are smoother, I'm not over-processed. Most dont even know I have a texturizer but I tell people. So I'm happy with the results. Give yourself more time. Try fantasia IC gel with sparkle lites. Try styling while wet, and try comb coils. Hang in there. HHG (wait at least 6 months) ;)
As you can see from my siggy, I'm also on the edge (about to get a texturizer). I plan to big chop this month, which makes about 2 years of transitioning for me. I am well acquainted with my natural hair. I mostly do braidouts, which look very pretty, but take me half the day to do. I also press sometimes, which also looks thick and pretty.

wash and wear curly hair
softer, less coarse hair
hair that lays down i.e. when in a puff the hair line is smooth
easy to rollerset
easy to blowdry and flat iron
use less shampoo and conditioner because the hair is less coarse

may not achieve desired curl pattern
have to get touch-ups 3-4 times a year
can't say "yep, its natural"
I would wait a bit longer as well.

It took awhile to learn what my hair liked and didn't--but that process can also be fun! My main tip is to make sure it is moisturized and healthy. I was used to being light on moisture etc when I was relaxed cuz I didn't want to weigh my hair down--but with natural hair--it is so dense---make sure you get it on there well.
try comb coils, or baby twists, hair accesories like head bands, scarves, clips, flowers etc..

tammiematthews said:
Hello ladies,
I need your help. I am newly natural as of 11/30/05. I love my natural hair and am learning something new about it daily. But the only complaint that I have is that I dont have much curl definition. I am tempted to texturize. I even went to the BSS today and bought the kit...but I have reservations. I almost feel like I'm cheating or I'm not "really natural" if I texturize. I do know that texturizing my hair is a chemical process, which i really didnt want to do....but i miss the ease of dealing with my hair. HELP!! For those out there who were natural, then texturized...any regrets???
Pros and Cons ??? List them here! I need help and soon.. I have not opened the box yet...but I am totally tempted!!

Throw Away the Box!!! No, but seriously hide it from yourself. I know I get tempted to texturize every now and again, but seriously give yourself 6 months or so like most of these ladies said. Seriously-lol. You'll understand your hair better and believe it or not, my hair curled more after I started taking care of it in its natural state. Buy some gel and some hair butter and try some cute coily twists. You can do it! HHG
Don't do it! Don't do it! Step away from the ledge!!!!

Imagine if you do it and have problems, then you will have to transition/bc all over again. Try not to focus on having curls and embrace the texture that you have. Your pic in your avatarr is pretty by the way. You can experiment with different styles like, braid/twists outs that look phenomenal on natural hair and have a cute curl-like style and that is one of the many things that you can do. So try to experiment and love your natural hair before you jump off of the ledge.
I went natural and then texturized and now I've decided to relax. I did not make the decision to texturize until I gave it alot of thought and time. I did not want to do anything out of frustraton because I knew I would reget it. I decided to text. because I really could not handle my natural hair as well as I thought I could and I decided to relax because I was having to work just as hard with the text. as I was with natural hair and the text. was very drying to my hair no matter what brand I used. I needed something easier to care for now that I work full time, go to nursing school, and have a home to maintain. But those are my reasons I suggest you wait awhile atleast until the frustration ends and make your decision. I hope this helps.:)