Texturized Ladies, some clarification please? long


New Member
Hi, everyone! I had some questions about texturizing. I'm starting to consider it. As I read i other posts it's just a relaxer left on for a short time, right? Now, if I wanted to get beautiful curls, or the Wash and wear look, how would I do that? Just apply for a short time? Someone metioned that they apply to wet hair, will that help set the curls? Also, I'm assuming that you don't smooth the hair as when trying to get a straight relaxed style? I'm asking all these questions, because once years ago, a friends Mom did my hair where it was left on for a short while, but, it didn't turn out curly, more like a straightened natural look, meaning like my hair, but just stretched a little. It definitely made combing out easier though. I'd love to get a curly look though, the Wash and wear type of style. Can anyoe help me out? Give me some guidelines...? Thanks! Oh, yes, my hair is a little straight when dry but, kind of maybe somewhere like a 3c-4a sort of something, all mixed together. I'm not really sure what type it is really, not that it really matters that much! I do whatever works for me. I couldn't really find my type on the chart or in the pictures. Please reply! Any help will be greatly appreciated!1 Thanks again!
The relaxer is left on until the desired curl pattern, or lack thereof, is achieved. The best way, IMO, to determine how long to leave it on or which strength to use, is to do a strand test on various sections of your head. My head has different curl types in different parts of my head and each section has different timing requirements. At one time, I even used two different strengths of relaxer.

One more thing, if your hair naturally does not have a curl to it, the texturizer will not produce any. A texturizer simply stretches out the curls that you have as if they were a slinky.

Timing and the proper relaxer strength for YOUR hair is crucial.

I DO smooth my hair. I've never relaxed my hair wet, so I cannot comment on that.

Your friend's mom's hair sounds like the relaxer was left on too long and/or the relaxer was too strong and/or she had no curls to begin with. A texturizer cannot produce curls where there are none.

Even if you do not have curls, relaxing while leaving some texture in the hair is healthier for the hair than relaxing bone straight. Your hair is left stronger and with more elasticity, allowing it to stretch when combed/brushed, rather than snapping because it's relaxed too straight.
Re: Texturized Ladies, some clarification please?

Thanks Curly Crly! I would prefer a more textured style than a straighter one, I too feel it's better for the hair in the long run, plus you have the option of natural styles as well. Just my little opinion. Anyone else have comments? suggestions?
Re: Texturized Ladies, some clarification please?

I texturise my hair but it is already curly the scurl doesnt make that much difference actually just makes it less dense/thick and my life a lot easier
It was still curly when I used to relax it.
What is your hair like if you wash and wear now with ,for example, gel on it? Cos It will look pretty much the same texturised only a bit looser.

maybe you should get a professional opinion

hair 3c
Re: Texturized Ladies, some clarification please?

Oh, thanks! I thought no one else would answer! One problem I have is that my hair is mixed up all over- finer mixed with thicker, curlier mixed with straighter- you get the picture! That's why it's so hard to figure out my type. In fact, I was looking at it again yesterday, and decided that I really don't know still where it belongs (shrug). But, the curls I have, some are loose, small-medium size, then I've got parts where like in one post they mentioned pen-spring curls, but larger curls, and more like a stretched out version, not curled up into each other. That make any sense to anyone?? I know, it's difficult. Thanks anyone to you, and anyone else who cares to reply!
Re: Texturized Ladies, some clarification please?

Sorrry I've taken so long to respond. the hair I'm talking abou it natural. Once, a couple of years ago, I'd tried to tame my hair by applying relaxerfor the min. amt of time, but, that too didn't give me the curls I wanted, just looked like my hair, a little staighter and easier to comb, that's all.