Tangled, stripped, knotty hair


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've been experimenting with French perm stabilizer. It's an acidic conditioner that you use after relaxers. I find it more convient than the acv rinses. Anyways y'all I think I put to much in. I pre pooed with vo5 and 10 en1 then washed twice with CON green top. Then I put in the. COnditioner , a mix of honey evoo bioinfusion hydrating balm and the French perm stabilizer. Child my hair stripped and it was sooo tangled. I had I go into the bathroom at the salon and use my comb to genly comb m hair because I know they would have raked through it. Anyways it just felt ultra stripped . By after taking the roller set out my hair was soooooo smooth. I know the French perm did that. But why all that other crap!! Fyi I tried the no manipulation thing a few days before.
My mom has been using it on me since I was a kid, but I only use it right after a relaxer. Maybe an ACV rinse would be better for your hair b/c it doesn't have all those extra chemicals in it.