Symptoms of Coffee Rinses?


Well-Known Member
I decided to try curbing my shedding with a coffee rinse.

I poured it on, then put DC in my hair, put on a shower cap and covered my head while doing chores.

About an hour later I had labored breathing, shortness of breath, and a stomach ache.

I'm thinking it's from the coffee rinse since it has caffeine and I put it on my scalp.

Anyone else ever experience this?

Maybe using that Extra Bold Espresso wasn't a good idea LOL
I've never done a coffee rinse, but I know other people on the board have complained of the same problems.
*puts coffee rinses on list of things to NOT do*

it is ok to use, but just use it as a rinse, don't let it sit on your hair. pour/spray onto your hair and then rinse it out. i finally got it right the next time. i was the one who started a thread about the black tea rinse incident.
@CocoT @hannan shortdub78 @Lovelylocs @Katherina

Thanks guys.

Yes, I was trying to let it "marinate" and didn't know to use it as a rinse out. I'll try that next time, God willing.

Thank God I felt fine after washing my hair. I was scared for a moment. And going for the gusto with Espresso didn't help the situation LOL