Straight hair in summer??

Naturals/Transitioners...How do you keep your straightened hair st8,prevent reversion ,in the hotter months?

I tried to wear my hair straight with sprays, serums, etc. It took me 2 days to straighten my hair and within 1 day my hair was an afro. All that work and it didn't last 1 wk. So back to wigs for me.:yep:
My co worker does it all the time by using the Instyler.:lachen: She found out about the iron from me last year and just uses it once a week. Her hair doesn't revert much because she has a looser curl pattern. It's easy for her to get her hair strait. Her hair is long and healthy looking, too. We work indoors, so maybe that's why it doesn't revert.:giggle:
Even before I stopped the heat, I would experiement with more "natural" styles during these months. However, getting my hair professionally flat-ironed every two to three weeks "trained" my hair to revert less...Funny, because, I just flat-ironed Thursday ater 8 months and my hair started reverting after a day...Gotta love natural hair!!