
Well-Known Member
Hello everyone just would like to share my story about a little concoction I made the other day......well while searching threads about garlic shampoo and how it stops shedding (thanks ladies) I decide to make my own garlic treatment. Ok so this is what I did.....I blended about 10-12 cloves of garlic in a blender with a whole small bottle of vegetable oil. I blended it really well to the point where it is smooth...I would say almost creamy. So anyway. I microwaved it for about thirty seconds so it could somewhat "infuse". After that I poured it back in the vegetable oil bottle and then poured some in an applicator bottle....I then applied it to my roots and put ORS conditioner down the length of my hair. I massaged it and let it sit for approximately 15 minutes and then washed it out.

So to make a long story short I have used this treatment like twice in a week and it has worked really really well....I would suggest if you have probems with shedding to try this ASAP its cheap and easy. The only thing is that the garlic has a potent smell so I would suggest using the garlic oil as a concentrate and mixing a couple table spoons in with your favorite conditioner. Hope you ladies try this. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice. Was it hard to get the smell out after you washed? i dont wanna go around smelling like pizza - lol.
i do something similar. i'd heard garlic was good for hair so added some into an oil blend. i used some from a bottle of minced garlic that i had. i was ok with not blending it into the oil, i just presumed it would infuse with the oil anyway.

with all of the essential oils i put into the oil, you can't actually smell the garlic any more (it was a little stronger when first made). it faintly smells of lavender and peppermint now.

it's main purpose is to keep my scalp from being dry, prevent dandruff and stop itchiness. i never had much of a shedding problem but i have noticed less hairs in the tub when i wash my hair.
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I so need this. I've been shedding like a mule for the longest now. I do have a thyroid problem, but I've had one for years, and I wasn't shedding this bad before.

I'd like to know the answer to the smell question too. In the meantime, I do wonder how long this will work...meaning, will I start shedding again in a short period of time? How often do you have to do this? And is vegetable oil the only oil I could use?

BTW, I've tried many treatments, but I've never used fresh garlic; I'm hoping this will work.

I so need this. I've been shedding like a mule for the longest now. I do have a thyroid problem, but I've had one for years, and I wasn't shedding this bad before.

I'd like to know the answer to the smell question too. In the meantime, I do wonder how long this will work...meaning, will I start shedding again in a short period of time? How often do you have to do this? And is vegetable oil the only oil I could use?

BTW, I've tried many treatments, but I've never used fresh garlic; I'm hoping this will work.


:wave: i'm not op but since i do use garlic in my oil too i hope i'll be able to help you.

there is no garlic smell to my oil. i use about 1-1.5 tablespoons of minced garlic but there are essential oils in the blend to not only help my scalp and hair but also to disguise the smell. i use orange, lavender, rosemary, tea tree and peppermint essential oils.

i'm not sure about the use of vegetable oil but i don't think it would make a good carrier oil for the essential oils (if you choose to use them). even if you're not using EOs, i don't think vegetable oil is best to put on your scalp. i used lighter oils (that are also better for hair, imo) in my blend.

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Thanks for this JnB. I'm about to try this now for my co-wash/treatment. It's in our ancient blender right now.
I'm so happy this is working so well for you!!! I've been a proponent of garlic oil for a long time!!! I use it weekly and it really does make your hair stop shedding right away :) I can't sing it's praises enough. And if your nails are soft and don't grow too long, add a clove to your base coat and watch those things grow, grow, grow!!!

As for the smell question, just use a scented shampoo. I used HE LTR and it takes the smell right out. You would not know my scalp had been marinating in garlic oil overnight ;)

Good luck y'all!

By the way, try Olive oil instead of vegetable oil. It's great!
Once…or a few times I’ve tried using 12 or more whole garlic heads blended with water until I got a creamy constancy, I applied it to my whole head and my goodness I thought my head was on fiyah!!!! I was sure I got first degree burns, but needless to say I did stop my shedding. Maybe I needed more water and less cloves? I didn’t know garlic burned like a perm

Next time I think I’ll just use 3 or 4 cloves mixed in with my ORS deep conditioning mixture, hopefully that should do that trick
This sounds so interesting. I love learning about things I've never really heard of before. I will def. try this out, thanks!
When people used the blended up garlic and conditioner did garlic bits get stuck in your hair when you washed it out???
Hello Everyone....Sorry it took me so long to respond I'm in the process of moving and I have already packed my computer so the only time I can get on LHCF is at work:look:.....So anyway let me try to answer yall's questions

1. Does it leave a smell?

Well, I used a very potent mixture that contained 10-12 garlic cloves so the smell was pungent. I shampooed it about three times to get the smell all the way out.

That is why I suggested that you mix it with some type of conditioner or add essential oils to the mix as another poster said.

2. How long do you have to use it?

I'm not really sure I just started....I definetly wouldn't do it that frequently unless you have a very diluted garlic oil/conditioner.

3. Is vegetable oil the only oil I can use?

No, all you need is some type of carrier oil. I used the vegetable oil because again I'm moving and I had a bottle so I said why not! I actually have never used vegetable oil for anything else. I would suggest that you don't use an expensive oil like jojoba or grapeseed. Its really not that serious, all you basically need is a carrier for the garlic...Remeber we are trying to utilize the properties of the garlic not the oil. If you want to do a hot oil treatment with the good stuff afterwards by all means.......I would however suggest Olive Oil or Castor Oil if vegetable oil doesn't sit right with you.

4. Did pieces of garlic remain in my hair after washing?

No I blended it up to a smooth consistency.
I'm so happy this is working so well for you!!! I've been a proponent of garlic oil for a long time!!! I use it weekly and it really does make your hair stop shedding right away :) I can't sing it's praises enough. And if your nails are soft and don't grow too long, add a clove to your base coat and watch those things grow, grow, grow!!!

How do you use your garlic oil? Before shampooing? As a conditioner like Juices and Berries?
I'm so happy this is working so well for you!!! I've been a proponent of garlic oil for a long time!!! I use it weekly and it really does make your hair stop shedding right away :) I can't sing it's praises enough. And if your nails are soft and don't grow too long, add a clove to your base coat and watch those things grow, grow, grow!!!

How do you use your garlic oil? Before shampooing? As a conditioner like Juices and Berries?

I use mine as a pre-poo I guess.....I shampoo it aftewards to make sure the smell is out.
When people used the blended up garlic and conditioner did garlic bits get stuck in your hair when you washed it out???

OK, based on this question...are you guys PEELING the garlic before mashing it up? There really should be no "bits" if the garlic clove has been peeled. Just curious about how y'all prepare it.
This is a great alternative to what Im using. Ill give it a try this weekend. Thanks

Quick question: How long will this mixture last?
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Thanks for the advice. Was it hard to get the smell out after you washed? i dont wanna go around smelling like pizza - lol.
Laughing at smelling like pizza. A couple weeks ago I made a paste with garlic powder, conditioner and evoo and plastered it all over my head..boy did I smell like pizza..but it worked! This morning I mixed amla, garlic powder, evoo, vo5 conditioner and plastered it all over my head, put on a plastic cap and waited an hour..It was a a lil time consuming getting it all out, but I think it worked!
I'm so happy this is working so well for you!!! I've been a proponent of garlic oil for a long time!!! I use it weekly and it really does make your hair stop shedding right away :) I can't sing it's praises enough. And if your nails are soft and don't grow too long, add a clove to your base coat and watch those things grow, grow, grow!!!

As for the smell question, just use a scented shampoo. I used HE LTR and it takes the smell right out. You would not know my scalp had been marinating in garlic oil overnight ;)

Good luck y'all!

By the way, try Olive oil instead of vegetable oil. It's great!

What is your mixture and technique? If you don't mind sharing.
I will try this on my next wash day. My hair has been shedding soooo much. I think I need to start eating a little healthier though-that might help.

I also don't know much about 'shedding phases'. When do you have a shedding phase, how long does it last and how much hair should be shedding?

Oh, another question. How many gloves of garlic would you use just for one treatment?
LOL @ myself.

I made a home-made garlic oil infusion with garlic powder and olive oil I let it sit on my head for an hour.

This was Friday night.

I smelled like a tasty Greek salad until yesterday. Thankfully, hubby didn't mind because he loves that salad. lol

I stopped shedding in time to put in twists for the rest of the year, but I will use your concoction from now on. Thanks for this useful info!!!

I'm trying this with only about 6 smashed cloves which I put in about 8 oz of EVOO in a crock pot on low. I'll let it simmer until this evening. I figure I'll add this to my conditioners, or use as a pre-poo. I'm glad I came here because I can add essential oils in it to mask the smells. I plan to strain the garlic out and keep it n the fridge when I'm not using it in case the garlic part wants to spoil. (I think I read about the garlic oil spoiling on the board)

Now my fingers smell like a greek salad!
I know this is an old thread but I've been using this once a week for the past few weeks and my shedding is virtually a thing of the past.
It's also really good for itchy scalp and dandruff problems. I use it whenever my scalp gets itchy. One treatment of blended garlic cloves and olive oil, and I'm good for a couple of months at least.
Garlic oil and garlic wine are also in my Japanese beauty book. I use it after a sew in to reduce shedding. Ans intermittently during for shedding prevention. Also you can substitute ginger with similar benefits.