Somewhat Urgent: Help me choose Lye or No Lye...


New Member
Okay, I know the knowledgeable ladies here will know what to do...I used to use Affirm No Lye and I think that dried out my hair, so I tried Affirm Lye and I think that may have caused shedding but it still seems more moisturized than no lye. Either way I'm done with Affirm but am back to square one about choosing lye or no lye. The top two relaxers I want to try are Phyto (no lye) and Deep Brilliance No Base (Lye). I really want what'll be healthier for my hair but I'm not sure if its okay to switch from Lye to No Lye :confused: . Has anyone else used Deep Brilliance? Errrgh! This is just getting really frustrating... Please help me out.
Well, I have used Affim and its one of the best perms I'd ever used. I don't know why it did that to your hair. It might have been the fact that you used a no-lye relaxer 1st. I would never ever use a no-lye perm again (if I were still perming). No lye perms don't condition your hair as it perms. Its a lie that its no-lye. There's lye in ALL perms. Use a conditioning perm or on the box it won't say no-lye. It will condition your hair as it works and your hair will thank you for it by feeling smooth and soft and it will look healthier. Before I went natural I used Textures and Tones Conditioning Relaxer and it did my hair wonders! I got it from Sally's I think. No it was a BSS. But anyway, no-lye is a no-no. I'd always use a conditioning, or lye, perm. Hope this helps!
I've used Affirm also and it tore my scalp up (burning and inflamation) :mad: I then switched to Vitale for sensitive scalp. I haven't had any problems with it. :)
msshic said:
I've used Affirm also and it tore my scalp up (burning and inflamation) :mad: I then switched to Vitale for sensitive scalp. I haven't had any problems with it. :)

Msshic Is Vitale no-lye?

Metal Kitty I vote lye for now. Im in the process of trying to decided between lye and no-lye myself :)
I've had a Deep Brilliance relaxer before and it didn't straighten jack squat! (and this is coming from a huge Deep Brilliance fan)

Whatever you do, go with a lye relaxer.
Bumping for more replies.

Naturallady - Thanks for your tips; I may switch to affirm lye seeing that this no-lye box perm I used wasn't all that, and I am looking for something that conditions a bit more.
SocialWorker29, you will see the difference a conditioning relaxer will have on your hair. I read the book Beautiful Black Hair by Shamboosie and he was breaking down the differences between lye/no-lye and the need for a conditioning relaxer. When I quit w/ the no-lye my hair looked and felt soooo much better. And it didn't burn any worse than a no-lye.
I use Vitale life and Body. It has made a world of difference in my hair. I used the no-lye up until this year. My hair isn't as drying. With the no-lye, no matter how much conditioning or oil I used, it seemed my hair would suck it up. WIth the lye I literally see a difference in my hair. It has a sheen to it and it feels so much better. It doesn't have that reddish brownish color except the ends which are no-lye. I use it in my daughter's hair and I love it!
I'm all for using lye. I've tried no-lyes (even Phyto) and it dried my hair out. However, I am holding off for as long as possible on relaxing so that my hair can thicken up and grow...
Sorry but i vote no-lye - but only as i have one and have no probs....considering the ladies who have had both no lye and lye then i would say lye as it seems to really benefit those who have tried both. But who knows, the structure of ur hair may agree or disagree with either one, sadly i guess its a case of trial and error. Elasta QP No-Lye is extremely sensitive - i use this because i wanted the spirally look when wet - i'm relaxed to about 70%
Lately, i've used Affirm and Design Essentials (both lye), but my hair prefers Design Essentials....
Hmm, this is tricky because like I said the no lye seems to thin but the lye seems to shed... what are the 'better' lye relaxers out there? I'm still leaning towards phyto though because it supposedly leaves body.