So when is it ok to mix Cassia Obovata & Ayurvedic powders?


New Member
I've using my cassia and my ayurvedic powders separately, at what point do I start combining these treatments? Also i've noticed the Ayurvedic powders benefits maybe a little more on my hair, dark rich hair, very healthy looking after 2nd use. All tips welcome. Thanx in advance...Anna
Use cassia just like you'd use henna. Add whatever powders you want to your mix, but in small amounts because they'll be sitting on your head for hours. I use 1/4 tsps each of fenugreek (ie methi), brahmi, bhringraj, and shikakai....I add them to dry powders and mix w/ a fork. Then I add my liquids, just like in cooking/baking. I avoid amla in henna/cassia mixes because it interferes w/ the gradual relaxing properties of the henna/cassia. I do use amla in oil form tho, just not in henna/cassia mixes.

Why don't you join the cassia support thread? Here's the link:
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Thanks Jamaraa, how does amla interfere with cassia? And also where do you find your bhringraj powder, never can find it. Only here of it in the threads. Thanks in advance...Anna