SL in back and first flat iron pics.


New Member
So I am SL in back and didn't realize it. The rest is sooooo close.

Yesterday after my botched bantu knot set I sat and for the first time flat ironed all of my hair. I've only ever done my bangs once before. I went slowly, did small sections (except in a few parts because I was getting tired), used a LOT of heat protection, probably too much but I'm paranoid. My hair came out way straighter than it's been at all in probably three years or so. And my bf took a photo of the back of my hair.

It looks weird because it grows in layers I don't have a bald spot up under there.

But here it is, YAY SL in back baby. FULL SL IN 08!! I know my ends are super uneven, I'm waiting for full SL all over then getting them blunt cut.

Thanks you guys :D

I am in the SL challenge (again).

I'm claiming partial SL ladies.

And thanks for the compliments I was so nervous while I was flat ironing my hair I turned the heat down on it twice before I even started.

Amazingly it's still pretty straight today even though it's a little wet. Maybe APL by new years? :woot: