Should i be concerned that my hair WILL FALL OUT?


New Member
Got a touch up today, but the stylist (a new stylist i went to) when rinsing out the relaxer only neutralized my hair with shampoo 1x!! After she relaxed my hair she left the affirm 5 n 1 for 5 minutes and then she shampooed with neutralizing shampoo 1x. I thought i was supposed to get 3-4x lathering of the n.s...Should I wash my hair? She didn't give me a conditioner after the shampoo even though i requested one and even brought my humecto with me.
My stylist lathers up three times with neutralizing shampoo. I think you should go ahead and wash your hair (better than to wait and wonder if anything negative is going to happen).
Re: Should i be concerned that my hair WILL FALL O

Rewash your hair with neutralizing shampoo and do a deep conditioning. I think you will be fine!!
I would wash again with a neutralizing shampoo. Soon. Today.

She may not have done anything wrong (if I understand that conditioner before the neutralizing shampoo thing correctly, the conditioner helps to lower the PH of the hair and then the neutralizing shampoo finishes the job. So it could be fine.). I'd neutralize again just to make sure.

Why didn't you ask her to neutralize a few more times? Next time you should. No sense in being stressed out....
Wait i just found out something. I know she used the affirm neutralizing shampoo..and i am reading the website it says
"Affirm neutralizing shampoo
Verifies normalization with a color indicator: Lather turns from pink to white when normalization is complete"
So i am guessing/hoping..she would have kept washing if it was still pink?
I really don't wanna wash it again because it looks GREAT but if it will affect my hair even a tiny bit i will wash this sucka right now! I don't have any neutralizing shampoo but i do have some ACV
Thanks for your advice ladies,
What do u think now that i know the shampoo is color coded? does it make a difference?

Tracy, i don't even know..she had me out of the chair so fast i was on STUCK! and i started to say something but i chickened out because i said "well she's been doing this for years she should know what she is doing" plus a friend recommended her. Your right i should have spoke up.
I wouldn't wash it again now and wreck the style... that's unless you're REALLY concerned that she didn't wash it out properly. I'd wait at least a few days and then wash it.

*eta: I just read your first post again... I didn't realize that she only gave you ONE shampoo!!
That's really unheard of!!! OK, in light of that, I think I WOULD shampoo my hair again... soon...
You don't know if it turned white or stayed pink so why take the chance because it "looks" good? It won't "look" so good if it falls out, so wash it.
Re: Should i be concerned that my hair WILL FALL O

The bottle on the back of the Affirm Neutralizer says to wash 2x or no more than 2x - there's a 2 in there somewhere. The 5-n-1 does do a lot of the neutralizing and the shampoo finishes up, so that's probably why it didn't turn pink.

But if it's bothering you, I would opt for peace of mind over my hairstyle and go ahead and wash and deep condition again.
Re: Should i be concerned that my hair WILL FALL O

Lawd, Foxy!!! I was hoping I wouldn't get any complaints as I referred that stylist to you. She usually does a good job with me. She only rinses me once and I haven't had any adverse effects. As far as the deep conditioning go, she may have forgotten that you bought your Humecto with you. In my experience, she is not scissor happy and tends to do a good job. When I took my sister there for her relaxer, my sister and I had the shortest hair in there, save for one girl who had above shoulder length hair. As you have seen, I ain't exactly bald headed. I actually was referred to that hairdresser from a friend who went there over 10 years... and you see the length of her hair. If you are really scared, then re-neutralize, but all in all, you should be ok. You know I don't want this board to come and get me if all your hair falls out!!!
Being a long time affirm user. I think you will be fine. The conditioner always follows the relaxer then the shampoo. Only fiberguard turns pink. The original Affirm does not turn pink. Neutralizing a relaxer can be done with most shampoos with a low enough PH. I personally rinse my hair for a long time, before I shampoo, since it abruptly stops the relaxing process. Did she rinse for a throughly? I do usually shampoo twice, but on occasion I have only shampooed once. HTH
I read on the internet recently that irrespective of how many times you use a neutralising shampoo after a relaxer, it will only begin to work if it is left on the hair for at least 5 minutes in any given shampoo session.
If you decide to wash again, I would follow with a moisturizing conditioner, rather than a protein conditioner. Reportedly, this preserves the texture achieved with a fresh perm.
If you are paying for a service, never be afraid to ask for something that will give you peace of mind (extra neutralizing).
Thanks for your advise ladies

Great tip lonei!
Haleni, she did rinse it thorougly but i have heard that water doesn't stop the processing. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on affirm, it helped alot.
You ain't kidding shell i know better now!