Shea butter, shea butter

Shea butter

  • Sealent

    Votes: 25 19.5%
  • Moisturizer

    Votes: 30 23.4%
  • Both

    Votes: 73 57.0%

  • Total voters
shea butter is AMAZING! even though i use it technically to seal in moisturize, i can still feel it adding in moisture as well. its my newest love =)
Adding my thoughts on the shea butter craze!! :drunk:

I *heart* shea butter. it keeps my hair super soft for DAYS!!!!! I can sleep on my twist outs (on satin pillow of course) and still wake up with uber touchable locks. My hair holds in moisture and doesnt dry out, it feels healthy and it looks healthy!

Oh and point to add: Melting you shea butter in the microwave and adding extra virgin olive oil then putting it in the fridge to solidify is an awesome shea mix :yup: Double the moisture!!!
My hair LOVES shea butter. My hair actually stays moisturized all day with shea butter. I use it on my body as well. I will never body "body lotion" again.
shea butter just sits on top of my natural hair. but if it is mixed with water and oils then it makes my hair so soft like cotton. i just cant use it by itself. and that sucks becuase i have a pound of it. i may just mix it with some honey, water and oils and use it like that.
I love love love shealoe butter (shea butter + aloe gel). The first jar I bought was from hairveda, the second from FNWL, and my next jar will be from an Etsy seller who makes an unrefined version.

Nothing makes my hair softer than shealoe. It absorbs beautifully, and keeps my hair moisturized for days.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my shea butter.

I think one of the keys too is the type of hair.

I literally SLATHER shea butter on my hair. I can't recall the woman's name, but I watched a lady with 4a/b hair who uses a lot of shea butter on her twists and twistouts and said that she finds she doesn't have to moisturize again until it's time to wash. She washes once per week.

I do the same. I put a LOT on.

It does not sit on my hair or make it hard or anything. My hair seems to soak it up. I might need a porosity control intervention...


I bet your talking about rusticbeauty she has some fierce twistouts. Her hair is so Fab. I remember her saying something like that but i can't find the video.

If you have any small African shops, they may have it. That's where I got mine. $4.50 for 8 oz.
Co-sign. I have one up the street that sells Shea butter for 4 dollars. I forgot how much you get though. I am going to try out another store though.

Also I use this on my skin, when I had it, for stretchmarks(watched a video on youtube). It really helps fade them especially when you exfoliate daily. I don't really care for it in my hair but my DD hair loves it. I think it's more for twists, braids, braid outs, etc. I don't know about putting it on my TWA I didn't like it last time. I will say I wouldn't get it from Whole Foods. Too expensive when you can get it from a real African for cheap. Shoot isn't shea butter pretty much made over in Africa? Why not get it from the source?
I bought about 1 pound of she a few months ago from coastal scents, when I use it alone on my hair, I hated it, very greasy and not moisturizing.

I even tried mixing it with my Qhemet's Amla and Olive heavy cream, my hair the next morning was dry. I was surprised becuase Qhemets leaves my hair very moisturized for at least 2 days.

I wish I knew what I should mix with it so I can have positive results like some of you ladies, what are your mixtures??
I use shea mostly as moisturizer. I suppose it has properties of a moisturizer & sealant.

I get mine at the flea mkt or the fish market :) The one time I bought some online I was very dissatisfied with it so I just buy locally now.
I hated shea butter when I tried using it at the beginning of my tranisiton. Now that I am 10 months into my transition, I absolutely LOVE shea butter. It makes my hair so soft & gives it a nice sheen too. It also helps to lay down my edges when I use it with the EQ glaze. My daughter's hair is very thick & it loves the shea butter too. I also use it on my daughter's skin & her eczema is so much better. I started using it on my face & the rest of my body & I don't think my skin has ever felt so soft.
I have just started using this for sealing mixed with a selection of liquid oils from my stash (rosemary, olive, jojba, etc), coconut and some of my aloe juice/glycerine/water mix. Coupled with my moisturising mix, it's helped my hair retain moisture over the past 2 days without reapplication which is a first for me. My hair definitely needs more than just water in warmer months. I think I've found a winning combo. I may just add more moisture mix and use it to moisturise and seal simultaneously.

Anyone else have shea mixes to share?
I bought my shea butter in bulk (5lbs) from I love using shea butter and other shea butter based products on my hair and skin.

Shea butter really helps to keep my hair moisturized and soft. I can use it on wet/damp or dry hair. It's one of my favorite butters, along with Avocado.
Make sure you get unrefined shea. The best shea I have bought so far (and shea is all I use for my skin and hair) is from these people:
Their shea does not have a bad odor, its very consisitant and creamy.
If you get shea and its grainy (it would be because in transit it has become hot then cooled too slow) put it in a glass dish, heat it in the stove on 170 degrees until it melts, then put it in the fridge until it gets hard. Once it gets hard set it out to room temp. Once its room temp put it in a stand mixer and whip like crazy. I add coconut oil to mine and whip and voila!
I think shea is great for hair. You can even get online shea oil which I also put on my hair.
Thanks for the tip on how to soften and reduce the grains in the shea butter. :grin:

Make sure you get unrefined shea. The best shea I have bought so far (and shea is all I use for my skin and hair) is from these people:
Their shea does not have a bad odor, its very consisitant and creamy.
If you get shea and its grainy (it would be because in transit it has become hot then cooled too slow) put it in a glass dish, heat it in the stove on 170 degrees until it melts, then put it in the fridge until it gets hard. Once it gets hard set it out to room temp. Once its room temp put it in a stand mixer and whip like crazy. I add coconut oil to mine and whip and voila!
I think shea is great for hair. You can even get online shea oil which I also put on my hair.
I use it as both. But then I have mixed mine with a little vit E oil, coconut oil, neem oil and a just a few drops of castor oil.
I love LHCF :grin: They introduced me to shea butter. I don't use it for my hair often because i co-wash everyday and worry about buildup, but it's great for skin and hair. This website has both East african which is very soft and smooth, and WEst african wich you may need to whip with oil. You can read the difference between the two there.
Yes to shea butter!!! I use a shea mix my sister mixed up for me and I only use it when Im twisting my hair after my leave in and a curl spray. It definitely holds in the moisture and gives me that extra sheen...
shea butter is a moisturizer to me. it sinks into my hair and it stays soft for more than one day with it. granted i do spray my hair with something to dampen it first.
Shea butter is a moisturizer and sealant for me. I love making fresh batches depending on what I'm using it for.

This is an older one I use as a moisturizer and for wash n' goes.

I need to take a picture of my newest mixture. It's not as loose and I used it to flatiron with. Sounds crazy huh. But my hair is shiny and I can tell that it won't wear away. My usually feather light hair has some weight to it so I'm happy.
PrincesKia, I tried it when I flatiorned and loved the results too! At the time I thought it was just a fluke that my hair responed that well, I'm glad to see someone else that's also satisfied with the results.
I'm so in love with my shea butter....especially since I'm transitioning. I whip mine with some evco and hair has been on point.

I'm extremely careful because I'm dealing with two textures (if not more lol) and I'm trying to find product that works on both. This has been my savior so far....

I'm very happy with my results......:grin::grin:
I'm loving shea butter as well and still experimenting. Has anyone mixed it with s curl or hawaiian silky?

BTW, I have been seeing unrefined shea butter at my local bss. $4.99 for 6 oz. It's GREAT!
I used to get my shea butter from ...The quality was good, but when I found, I dropped nasabb like a hot potato. :lachen:...The shea from shea n more is divine...

Bought sheannmore from a local BSS and did not like it. It was hard and dry. I got the one w/lemongrass and was nauseated.

I didn't know it was a "real" brand. I thought someone made it at home and brought it to the BSS
Bought sheannmore from a local BSS and did not like it. It was hard and dry. I got the one w/lemongrass and was nauseated.

I didn't know it was a "real" brand. I thought someone made it at home and brought it to the BSS

w/lemongrass? ...never heard of that...I don't believe the shea n more I mentioned is a brand, it's just the name of the website. I bought the raw, unrefined from their website...It is soft and creamy...My skin and hair thinks it's fabulous...Everyone I know that has ordered from this site loves the shea butter - The only thing I've ever heard folks complain about was the shipping (some think it might be pricey, but it works for me)
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w/lemongrass? ...never heard of that...I don't believe the shea n more I mentioned is a brand, it's just the name of the website. I bought the raw, unrefined from their website...It is soft and creamy...My skin and hair thinks it's fabulous...Everyone I know that has ordered from this site loves the shea butter - The only thing I've ever heard folks complain about was the shipping (some think it might be pricey, but it works for me)

It looked just like this, a pic from their site..Maybe I had a bad/expired batch, That BSS was iffy.

They have Lemongrass, cucumber and mango
