She said she's the reason my hair has been growing out. WHAT?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so the other day I went to my stylist to get a rollerset on a weave I had gotten two weeks prior. But I was like wow, the hair left on top has really grown and my edges are looking great, I said aloud while she was setting my hair. She had the nerve to say, "because of all the hard I've put in your hair". :eh:HUH? ::Bring it back, rewind:: I'm thinking boo boo, I haven't been to you in ages until I got this weave. But I didn't say anything, I just ignored her comment.

I mean I am baffled, I have worked sooo hard at LHCF to grow my hair from nothing to something and she takes my credit. The co-washes, bi-daily conditioning, not trimming, 5 month stretches, and she takes the credit???

How many of you have had someone take the credit for your hair achievements?
My stylist said the same thing when I took out my kinky twists. She turned to another client playing with my hair and said, "See this...I did this!" I let her enjoy her fake moment in the limelight cuz I didn't wanna bust her bubble.

I haven't been back since.
Uh uh, I would have had to bust her out right there on the spot-especially if she had ever criticized any of my new-found methods :rolleyes:
I wouldn't have made a scene over it, but I would have politely reminded her about how long its been since I had seen her and how it has thrived under MY care. This is why so many stylists get unnecessarily cocky attitudes about their hair care practices. She'll use your success in order to attain more clients, lining her pockets when she's done NO work, except weaves :lick:
That would be aggravating:wallbash: But we all know it has been your hard work and dedication:yep:
:lol: Girl, i'd just let her enjoy it.... you know that it is your hard work that has caused your hair to thrive. That's all that matters in the end. ;) Now if she starts smelling herself TOO much, and suggesting a whole bunch of crazy new things you should now do, i would then kindly let her know why your hair has actually been thriving.
Girl, let her take the credit. At least she aint tryin to chop it off like these other stylists!!!
I guess you guys are right. But it still bothers me til this day, and it happened last week. It makes me not want to go to her for a little bit to prove to her. But I'm sure she knows the real deal deep inside.

Thanx Ladies.