Severe itchy scalp & breakage


New Member
I've been suffering from severe itchy scalp for a couple months now in only a certain area. The area that is itching has now broken off to the root. I'm afraid im going bald :ohwell:. Idk what to do or what causes this. I've tried oiling my scalp baking soda and acv rinses.
Do you think it might be eczema or psoriasis? You might need to see a dermatologist to see what it is. Do you think that problem is a very dry scalp?
I've been suffering from severe itchy scalp for a couple months now in only a certain area. The area that is itching has now broken off to the root. I'm afraid im going bald :ohwell:. Idk what to do or what causes this. I've tried oiling my scalp baking soda and acv rinses.

Did this start happening after a relaxer? It sounds serious. Are you able to see a dermatologist?

Did you have tight braids or a sew-in? Any trauma to that area?

What's your regimen - what products were you using around the time this started?
I have suffered from itchy dry scalp and breakage for years (until I saw a dermatologist). I (and my mom, sister, etc.) have seborrheic dermatitis. The worst that it ever got was very itchy scalp and breakage to the root on the top of my head, then the nape of the neck, then the sides. Stress made the problem "spread". Any-who, I eventually went to the dermatologist and he prescribed an ointment for my scalp that I needed to use overnight. Then I had to shampoo with Neutragana T-Gel Shampoo at least twice a week. FYI - when I lived in a really cold climate the dermatitis even spread to my face only in one area.

Now that I live in a warmer climate, it does not really bother me. Definitely no breakage. The dermatitis is concentrated at the top of my head. What I do now is apply avocado oil to that area (I found out that this oil helps with skin conditions including derm.). Also, if the itchy is bothering me, even a little bit, I apply Neutr. T-Sal shampoo to that area only (this shampoo is very drying to the hair) follow the directions and leave on for several minutes, then rinse and repeat. Then I proceed with co-washing my whole head...If you are not able to get to a doctor, this may help you. Before finding the avocado oil, I never applied any oil to my head, because it only clogged my pores and made the itchy worse.
I have this same problem. I think mine was the combination of a bad relaxer and stress causing the itching. I used to scratch and scratch and see lots of broken hair all over my shirt, desk, fingers etc. The itching is still there but the breakage to the root has stopped. I tried everything, tea tree, shampoo etc. TCP helped but it smells really clinical. The other thing that helped was Keracare itchy scalp glossifier, but it is very greasy.
If you have any stress going on, work on stress reduction. Are you taking any B-vitamins and are you getting enough rest?

Could be a reaction to something you used a while ago topically.

Look into Organic Root Stimulator Uplifting shampoo.

And … some of what the other women have posted!

Good luck.