Self-Trims and Shorter Hair


New Member
I searched "self trims" and found that most people who are self-trimming have APL or longer hair. I also found that many are using Feye's version, and she also has long hair. How are some of you trimming with chin to APL length hair?
Being at shoulder length I use lots of mirrors (really, i'm serious) I also don't consider myself to be all that good at it either so I make sure I have lots of time to do what I need to do.

I don't trim often, just when I think my hair needs it. So I use the same three mirrors I use to relax with and I take my time to make sure I'm cutting the hairs correctly.

For me its a PITA and stressful so I'm always glad when I can avoid doing it.


My hair is only 5 inches long and natural - i only trim if the ends feel crunchy - twice since the Big Chop a year ago.

I simply made individual twists all over - about 20 in all - on damp hair. When it had dried i simply snipped off the very ends of each twist.

I hope this helps.
Put your hair into as much even ponytails as you see fit and then either cut straight across or use the "search and destroy" method.

I put my hair in 4 ponytails and then cut straight across.:)
Thank you, ladies! Bosslady1, I read that you cut your hair straight across. After doing that, do you go back to "search and destroy" on the shorter hair that did not get clipped in the initial "straight across" trim?
I just did mine last night. I am shoulder length and I just use my trimming scissors and look deep into my bathroom mirror and snip the very tips. My hair is in layers... parts of my hair grows faster than others..but the back of my hair is shoulder length. I only trim the very tips of a few strands at a time until I am satisfied with my hair all over..and this is my way of trimming:)
I self trim and I have shoulder length hair. Well, I use the ponytail method or comb the hair out and cut straight across but I do have my SO help me with the cut.
i cut my hair to about chin-length while transitioning before i BC'd. whenever i cut my hair, i leave a small amount of hair down (like below the ears) and pull the rest up in a high ponytail. i cut that hair even (straight across, i suck at trying to do anything else on my own hair) and then take down sections from the high ponytail and cut it even to that.

i only use one mirror so... i crane my neck a lot. :lol: somehow, it works.
mango387 said:
Thank you, ladies! Bosslady1, I read that you cut your hair straight across. After doing that, do you go back to "search and destroy" on the shorter hair that did not get clipped in the initial "straight across" trim?

I do. I take out each ponytail (one at a time) and do the search and destroy. Then I put it back in a pony and lather up the ends with mango butter and seal with hair oil.
This is a wonderful thread. Very informational. I have never self trimmed before but reading this thread i have made up my mind! NO MORE TRIMS AT THE SALON! This year I will learn to self tim! I'm tired of going to the salon and asking for a trim and walkin out with a haircut. I CAN do this.......right ladies?