
Well-Known Member
I just got a touch up with Creme of Nature and my scalp is burned badly. I mean there are parts that u can touch and just feel burn. I cant comb my hair like that and my hair ends look dry as hell. Help.. i just permed my hair yesterday and i am going to go to the hairdresser and wash out these burns tommorrow, I cant even comb my hair.
I suggest you wash your hair yourself after carefully applying some olive oil to your scalp letting it sit for about two hours. Then gently wash with a mild diluted shampoo....lather a few times to risne out any excess scabies or whatever.

Condition it really well and finish with a very diluted ACV/water mix (to speed healing) - you may apply a final conditioning rinse if the ratios are off and you experience any tangling. Airdry in whatever way you like, or style as normal. I burned a little (okay quite a bit) after my relaxer on Friday and this is what I did. I find when you wait to go to the hairdresser they aren't nearly careful enough and you end up wanting to clock them!

ANd don't comb thorugh any of the sticky or tender parts until you wash it again! That's most important!
Oooh poor thing! I feel for you. I remember when I burned so badly once. Definitely wash your hair yourself. That way you can be as gentle as you want and take as long as you need instead of a hairdresser just scrubbing because she has other clients to handle. Use Tracy's tips and try rubbing Vitamin E oil on the scabs, I heard this helps healing. Also treat your ends to a conditioner. Since they feel dry, use that same olive oil that's on your scalp on your ends.

Was this your first time using Creme of Nature? You didn't get your touchup from Zoraida's on Avenue D and Flatbush, did you? They're notorious for burning people.
Now that you brought it up, I do remember burning badly (in my pre-teen years) when I used to get Creme of Nature.
I'm so sorry.
My aunt always has burns after her relaxers. She thinks it's normal.
No one can tell her that her stylist doesn't know what she's doing... One time she had a satin scarf stick to an open wound her scalp.

Try Bactine or Neosporin Spray to ease the pain.
You could also use Dudley's hair & scalp conditioner, it has vitamins A, D & E. Just massage a little on the areas affected... Once in the morning and again at night.
Ahhh thanks u guys all sooo much for the advice. Yes Tracy, I wanted to clock the damn hairdresser. She was scrubbing my burnt scalp with her nails and then combing with the perm through with the sharp teeth of the comb, I wanted to
I went through this during my last touch up. My scalp was on fire! It was too tender to do anything with for a day. But on the second day I gently washed and conditioned it. I let the water run down my scalp and hair. It softened the scabs. At first I was going try to style my hair and wear it out. But found the daily rinses really soothed my scalp so I stuck with it. By day 4 or 5 I was back to normal.
OMG-my scalp always burns and I have sores after every relaxer, but I attributed it to my dermatitis, even though I would pretreat my scalp like two weeks prior, base it and wouldn't even have any dermatitis flare ups before relaxing. It never dawned on me it could be my Cream of Nature relaxer!!! Some of you have been having the same problem! This is one of the reasons I decided to stop relaxing!! Maybe I should just try something else.
Sorry that happened to you.... I mix pure aloe vera gel into the deep conditioner I use after the relaxer. It soothes any burns and irritations and speeds up healing. Because of this, I rarely have scalp sores after a relaxer. Aloe vera gel is known for soothing and healing skin burns and irritations....

Actually, I used Motions no-lye. I've never burned like that before. It actually hurt to rinse my hair. I mean, I felt pain from the roots to the tips! I didn't even notice it right away. It felt fine until I started smoothing one section. I jumped in the shower as soon I noticed how tender it was. But when the water hit my scalp I d*mn near became airborne. Lye is no joke!
Sorry to hear this! I burned badly when I had my last relaxer, and Calendula Gel was great for soothing the pain.
The next time your scalp burns during a relaxer process, after you shampoo, condition, ect...and do your final rinse put some Sea Breeze on your scalp. Warning: IT WILL STING AT FIRST! That will go away soon and you'll see that you won't have ANY scalbs! No sores whatsoever! least that's what I did for my daughter's scalp and it worked.