Satin = Polyester ???


New Member
So I went to the BSS today and was excited because I saw they had "satin" pillow cases so I bought one for 4.95 and some other stuff I love BSS:grin:. Well I get home and run to put it on my pillow, look at the package and it says 100% polyester. Im like :perplexed. And I noticed my "satin bonnet" is 100% polyester I think my scarf is silk. But still whats up with the false advertisement and can polyester harm out hair?
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satin refers to the finish of the fabric and not the type. satin can be polyester, silk or any other type of fabric and or blend.
I bought a satin bonnet today and was too mad when I saw that on the outside it said "100% satin" but the tag (once you open it!) says "100% polyester." I just looked it up and found that satin can be polyester. I thought it was silk--I guess it used to just refer to silk but now horizons have been broadened.

Oh well I guess it's what I've always been using and it still protects my hair well enough.
I bought a satin bonnet today and was too mad when I saw that on the outside it said "100% satin" but the tag (once you open it!) says "100% polyester." I just looked it up and found that satin can be polyester. I thought it was silk--I guess it used to just refer to silk but now horizons have been broadened.

Oh well I guess it's what I've always been using and it still protects my hair well enough.
I've been on the board it feels like a million years, but yet I still didn't know this!! lool I learned something today!