Sadness and depression


New Member
You guys, for the past few weeks I have had bouts of depression. I have sought counseling with my priest and it is helping. But it seems like once you get over one hurdle another comes along. I have to remind myself to be grateful to wake up every morning with my family and the health of myself and those that I love and care about.

Yesterday, a client of my boss committed suicide. I wasn't close with this lady, but I saw her recently and spoke with her often. She was attempting to get her ex husband to give up his parental rights so that her current husband can adopt her two children. She hung herself.
I can't help but think of speaking to this lady and seeing her. She was very pleasant and wished me a good day or a good weekend. I wish she would not have done this to herself. I am so disturbed by this right now.

A close friend of mines had a brother who committed suicide a few months back. This is just too much.

I ask that you ladies please provide a prayer not only for this young lady and my friend's brother, but also for their families as well as those who deal with depression. I was told these two individuals basically just gave up because whatever was going on in their lives was too much.

I also want to give thanks to Him for letting me know that I do not have to succumb,I do not have to be ashamed to have feelings of sadness and despair. There is always light after the darkness.

Thank you ladies.
I am so sorry that you are having these problem and feeling of despair. I have been depressed in the past and I know that it is a very bad "place" to be. If you are thinking of doing anything to hurt yourself DONT, call your priest NOW!!!!!!!!

What are your issues? What will help? What do you need?

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Call me if you need to talk. I am on CST and will be putting my kids to bed in 12 minutes. I will PM you my number.

Love ya like a sista,
